deathstroke Archives

Rob Liefeld To Write Deathstroke, Hawkman And Grifter
Bleeding Cool ran the word that Rob Liefeld was about to start writing Deathstroke last week It looks like I have a new source to trust But we only knew a third of it. He's also writing Savage Hawkman and Grifter, also from issue 9. Bleeding Cool already told you that Joe Bennett would be drawing Savage[...]
Rob Liefeld To Write Deathstroke Series?
Coming through the industry gossip mills comes the news that Rob Liefeld, current solo writer/artist of Hawk And Dove, and artist of The Infinite, will also be writing the new 52 series Deathstroke. It's a good source, but not one I've used before, so do bear that in mind. Deathstroke is currently written by Kyle Higgins and[...]
Sixteen Thoughts About Sixteen DC Comics – The Ray, Legion Lost, Suicide Squad, Grifter, Batgirl, Mister Terrific, Batman And Robin, Frankenstein, The Shade, Deathstroke, My Greatest Adventure, Resurrection Man, Green Lantern, Demon Knights, Batgirl and Batwoman
Poignant. Deathstroke seems to be lining up a number of crossovers… Hawkman for the Nth metal, Blackhawks for a way to his son This is a kind of PunisherMAX Lite, suggesting dangers and cutting edge material, but steering well away from the edge There is a sense of humour, there is an understanding of how ridiculous[...]
Wednesday Comics Reviews: Batman and Robin, Batwoman, Deathstroke, Demon Knights, Frankenstein, Agent of S.H.A.D.E., Green Lantern, Grifter, Legion Lost, Mister Terrific, Red Lanterns, Resurrection Man, Suicide Squad and Superboy
The difference is subtle but it draws the eye beautifully… Deathstroke #1 by Kyle Higgins, Joe Bennett and Art Thibert. This book pulls a great bait and switch This is a relaunch, so we may be expecting a new status quo Like Green Arrow or something, a new way of doing things And that's exactly what the[...]