28 Thoughts About 28 Comics – Uncanny X-Men, Kung Fu Bible Classics, Batman Eternal, The Death Of Wolverine, Blood Queen, Dejah Mars, Hawkeye Vs Deadpool, Avengers World, Moon Knight, Southern Bastards, Star-Lord, Miracleman, God Is Dead, Extinction Parade, Uber, Alice Cooper, Chaos, Ex Con, Mars Attacks, Indestructible, My Little Pony, Red Sonja, Rogue Trooper, Turok, Squidder, Twilight Zone, Silent Hill and Angry Birds
And looking at language…
Here's that moment in Dejah Mars #4 when it feels like daytime TV has been having a go at the censorship…
Marvel comics famously doesn't like to announce the cancellation of a comic book Well, in Hawkeye Vs Deadpool, they get the characters to do it for them.
Thank you Hawkeye in Avengers World[...]