episode 6 Archives

'American Horror Story: Cult" E06 Recap: 'This Is The Face Of True Love'
We're back again for Bleeding Cool's weekly recap of American Horror Story: Cult, this time taking a look at the game-changing Episode 6: 'Mid-Western Assassin.' This week, we've got: literal and metaphorical assassination attempts; Ivy's (Alison Pill) deep disdain for Jill Stein; Meadow's (Leslie Grossman) true role in all of this; and how Kai (Evan Peters) doesn't[...]
Preacher Season 2, Episode 6: Tamashii Ureshii Iku Iku
Oh, and in the background? An internationally powerful, religio-fascist organization by the name of The Grail, waiting to make its big move. So that pretty much gets us up-to-speed for Preacher Season 2, Episode 6: the season highlight Sokosha…but first! This isn't a formal review — more of a recap-ish type thing — but it will cover some[...]