rainbow six: siege Archives

Rainbow Six Siege
It is excellent work by the dev team in that regard, and something that is worth the time interacting with. Now, of course, Rainbow Six: Siege is at its best when you are in your own team of friends and all communicating to complete an objective There is something powerful about it, as each player takes[...]
Rainbow Six: Siege's Launch Trailer Gets A Bit Shakespeare
I've just come back from a wee go on the Rainbow Six: Siege open beta that is currently taking place, and I have to say, I'm pretty impressed with how much it keeps bringing me back. It's lucky that the game is out next week then too To celebrate, Ubisoft have just released this new launch[...]
Rainbow Six: Siege Open Beta Now Live After Hiccup
This is just an update on news from yesterday. The Rainbow Six: Siege beta was meant to go live yesterday, but was postponed, due to minor technical issues Well, it is now live Now you can get in on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC by searching on each platform. This is encouraging, especially considering that the[...]
Rainbow Six Siege
Rainbow Six: Siege was meant to be coming to beta today, giving players a couple days of play a week before the game came out and allowing Ubisoft kicked the tires on the title A little risky if you ask me from a developer stand point, but great for consumers. However, something seems to have gone[...]
Rainbow Six Siege
You might play for hours and unlock certain things, before you lose it all just before launch. Now we know, even though it has a beta that ends two days before the game is out, that Rainbow Six: Siege will not allow you to do so either In a statement Ubisoft said: Your progression, inventory and Ranked gameplay during[...]
Ubisoft Are In It For The Long-Haul With Rainbow Six: Siege
Ubisoft has detailed its plans for how Rainbow Six: Siege will have long term appeal, and is going to be introducing new content in the form of "seasons" (they added the quote marks, not us) that will match up to ranked gameplay, over the course of a year. According to a post on the official Rainbow[...]
rainbow six siege
By Adam Cook Over on Ubisoft's official blog, it's revealed exactly what kind of PC you'll need to run the latest (and hopefully greatest) Rainbow Six
Rainbow Six Siege
Rainbow Six: Siege is a neat game, and the heavy focus on tactical considerations is very against the grain for a modern shooter The game really could be an online hit, if the market is ready for it come December. However, if you were hoping there was more to it than multiplayer, you might be disappointed[...]
Rainbow Six Siege
The Rainbow Six: Siege beta has seen some hardship over the last few days, with people having trouble connecting to games This is exactly what betas are for of course, as developers try to figure out the limitations of the their software. Still, when people put time aside to play it, or it is part of a[...]
Rainbow Six: Siege Trailer Gets You Read For The Beta's Launch Today
The Rainbow Six: Siege closed beta starts today, giving a whole bunch of fans the chance to taste the tactical FPS for the first time I really liked the game when I played it at E3 this year, more so than I thought I would too That is always a good sign There really is[...]
Rainbow Six Siege
Rainbow Six: Siege surprised me when I played it at E3 I wasn't expecting to have a great time with it, yet the hardcore tactical focus really captured my interest in a way I wasn't expecting Who's to say if that interest will sustain over several matches, but yes I enjoyed my time throughly. And here[...]
Rainbow Six: Siege Gets A New Trailer Introducing French Team
We've slowly been getting a trickle of trailers introducing the various teams in Rainbow Six: Siege Each group comes with its own cast of characters, each with their own special abilllites That way, when you are playing any of the nations available, it will always feel different. We have met a few of the special forces[...]
Rainbow Six: Siege Gets A Trailer Showing Off The FBI Operatives
Rainbow Six: Siege is going to have a multi-national focus when it launches in October The tactical shooter will have groups from the UK, USA, France, Germany and Russia all with their own unique team members and abilities. We have seen the United Kingdom's offering, and now it is time to take a look at what[...]
Rainbow Six Siege
Rainbow Six: Siege has a lot of of tactical first-person fans in a bit of a tizzy From what we've been shown, the game is based upon a a pretty 'hardcore' one life system This is paired with communication reliant gameplay meaning the title could well end up feeling quite unique. For PC players, we should be[...]
Rainbow Six: Siege Announces Operator Customization System In New Trailer
Rainbow Six: Siege has been pretty quiet since last E3 as we haven't heard too much noise coming out of the Ubisoft offices about the Tom Clancy game since However, it seems that the marketing is beginning to ramp up for the holiday release. This new trailer introduces the concept of Operators Straight from the press[...]
Rainbow Six Siege
Besides the footage shown at E3, we haven't seen a whole lot of Rainbow Six: Siege For a game out this year, that is a little worrying I say 'a little' deliberately though I'm sure more than a healthy portion of Ubisoft's E3 press conference will be dedicated to the title. We've long been told the[...]
Rainbow Six Siege
We haven't heard too much from Rainbow Six: Siege since last E3, where they showed the, frankly, unbelievable demo And I mean that in the sense that I don't believe the game has the same ebb and flow shown in the trailer. Soon, I might be able to put that idea to the test Ubisoft have[...]