Resurrection Man: Quantum Karma is the new six-issue prestige format miniseries written by Ram V, drawn by Anand RK, reuniting the Grafity's Wall graphic novel team that they have been teasing and Bleeding Cool has been reporting on for months But then DC Comics PR team give the story to DC media partner Polygon, damn[...]
Resurrection Man Archives
In today's final issue of Resurrection Man, we get a chance to go back to his beginning What formed the man who can never die, who comes back from death each time with a new superpower, with both heaven and hell fighting over him?
Turns out he's a bit of an earthworm.
The original Mitch Shelley who got all[...]
But first, a clip from Mark Waid and Jeremy Rock's guest spot on The Gutters, part of 4 Panels That Never Work.
Had Mark Waid had a sneak peek of this week's DC lineup? From Deathstroke #12…
From Resurrection Man #12
And from… dan dan dannnn!!!! Batgirl #12
See, I did warn you Okay, it might be her side,[...]
My Legion allergy has reader its ugly head again.
Resurrection Man gives us an opening fight scene reminiscent of the battle between the two changelings, as each side keeps amping up their abilities to take advantage of the new threat It's the fight where two swordsmen reveal, in turn that they are actually right handed after[...]
Which is probably why so many books try to do a little something different this week.
Resurrection Man is into its third issue and already it's adding a kink to the premise – this time our hero does not return from the dead with a new power – at least not right away He goes somwhere[...]
Resurrection Man?
Or is it Grifter?
What about this one?
Any clue?
In Swipe File we present two or more images that resemble each other to some degree They may be homages, parodies, ironic appropriations, coincidences or works of the lightbox We trust you, the reader, to make that judgment yourself[...]
A marvel of the modern age.
Resurrection Man #1 by Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning and Fernando Dagnino
This is an odd choice for the relaunch, the revival of a character who didn't do too well the first time, and without a vocal fan following to rescue it from the great abyss It's back Possibly just because it's[...]