Check out the full list of games below, choose your titles wisely, and as always; have fun!
Credit: DarkDes Labs
December 24th
Drawngeon: Dungeons of Ink and Paper (Switch)
Funny Bunny Adventures (Switch)
December 25th
8-Ball Pocket (Switch)
Barbarous: Tavern Of Emyr (Switch)
Oniken: Unstoppable Edition & Odallus: The Dark Call Bundle (Switch)
Straimium Immortaly (Switch)
Tamashii (Switch)
XenoRaptor (Switch)
Credit: Indienova
December 26th
Akuto: Showdown (Switch)
The Clocker (XB1)
Tamashii Archives
Here is an official description from the Tamashii Nations page, translated to English:
Peter Parker, 15, high school student! Handling brat is sorry!
Spider-Man appears from "Spider-Man: Homecoming" scheduled for August 11, 2017 (Friday, congratulation) nationwide roadshow!
It reproduces the state until it sticks to the ground unique to Spider-Man or up to the action pose using the spider[...]
Derek Trum headed over to the Tamashii Nations booth at NYCC and got these images Here we get to see the neat looking new products for Dragon Ball Z, Star Wars, Batman and even Bruce Lee.
Derek Trum headed over to the Tamashii Nations booth at[...]