Cooke, named "the Mark Millar of Kansas City" by at least one prestigious comic book website, and his co-creator, Travis Hymel, are Kickstarting a new comic springing out of their story in the Kayfabe wrestling anthology Billed as Lucha Underground meets The Truman Show, or X-Men: The Animated Series meets the Crank movies, lucha libre[...]
Travis Hymel Archives
But that's not the only comic addressing the issue of gun violence in the works.
A group of talented comic book creators including Kevin Nowlan, Jamal Igle, Phil Hester, Trina Robbins, Devin Grayson, Alex Segura, Tom Beland, Matthew Dow Smith, Andy Kuhn, Ande Parks, Tony Isabella, Fred Van Lente, Ryan Dunlavey, Dennis Calero, Austin Janowski, Karl[...]