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Starfire, "Green Lantern," Super Powers: Gunn Clarifies DCU/Elseworlds

DC Studios' James Gunn clarified if the animated series Starfire, My Adventures with Green Lantern, and Super Powers were DCU or Elseworlds.

Whenever DC Studios co-CEOs James Gunn and Peter Safran announce a new project – whether it's a new series or film – there's always one question that gets automatically triggered every time. Is it DCU or Elseworlds? When Gunn and Safran announced three new "younger-skewing" animated series from Warner Bros. Animation and DC Studios – with Sam Register executive-producing – it was asked. In this case, the person asking specifically focused on Starfire, but Gunn's response would also apply to My Adventures with Green Lantern (which is set in the same timeline as My Adventures with Superman) and Super Powers.

Image: DC Studios

Here's a look at what Gunn had to say, clarifying that "most our family animated shows" will be Elseworlds:

Starfire, "Green Lantern," Super Powers: Gunn Clarifies DCU/Elseworlds
Image: Threads Screencap

"My Adventures with Green Lantern": The animated series will follow high school student Jessica Cruz, whose life changes when "a Green Lantern Power Ring falls from the sky" and chooses Cruz "to be its champion." Cruz's life gets even more complicated "when more debris from the Lanterns' ancient space war arrives – along with their alien foes." Jake Wyatt is executive producing, with Stephanie Gonzaga co-executive producing. Shortly after the news was announced, Wyatt confirmed on social media that the animated series would be set in the same timeline as Adult Swim's My Adventures with Superman.

"DC Super Powers": The animated series takes place at the Alliance School for Heroes and focuses on new students Lightning, Flash, Plastic Man, Aquagirl, Green Lantern, and Terra – each enrolled to "level up their powers under the supervision of Principal Martian Manhunter, in the hopes of one day graduating and becoming the next generation of Earth's defenders." Matt Beans is executive producing, with Michael Chang serving as a supervising producer.

"Starfire": The animated series will tell the origin story of the title character, following her adventures after she uses "an ancient spaceship" she discovers on her home planet of Tamaran to escape her planet and explore the stars. Joining her on her new journey are "space biker Crush, plant-loving Fern, and the magical Princess Amethyst of Gemworld." Together, the group will "uncover the deepest reaches of the DC universe, save Space Dolphins, surf technicolor nebulas, and boldly soar into the unknown." Josie Campbell is executive producing, while Brianne Drouhard is a co-executive producer.

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Ray FlookAbout Ray Flook

Serving as Television Editor since 2018, Ray began five years earlier as a contributing writer/photographer before being brought onto the core BC team in 2017.
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