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Stranger Things 5 Work "Ahead of Schedule"; "On Target" for 2025

Matt Duffer and Ross Duffer had good news to share regarding post-production work on Netflix's Stranger Things 5, still "on target" for 2025.

Even though Netflix has featured the series in its 2025 promotions, there have been some rumbling concerns among fans of Matt Duffer and Ross Duffer's Stranger Things 5 that the final season might not be hitting streaming screens this year – mostly because of the hard work and creative commitment required for a post-production process of that size. Well, guess what? Matt Duffer and Ross Duffer had some good news to share during the SCAD TVfest, where the duo received the Variety Showrunners Award. "We're focused on visual effects sequences right now, which started back in January. It's going well. We're actually ahead of schedule, which is rare for us," Ross Duffer shared. As for whether the streaming service will drop all eight episodes or break up the final run as it did with Season 4? "We will see," Matt Duffer added. "I will say that it is coming this year. We're definitely on target."

Stranger Things 5
Image: Netflix Screencap

Stranger Things 5 "Eight Blockbuster Movies": Showrunners

Stranger Things 5 Will Be "Like Eight Blockbuster Movies" But Also a "Personal Story": "We spent a full year filming this season," Ross shared during Netflix's big event to roll out its 2025 slate. "By the end, we had captured over 650 hours of footage. So, needless to say, this is our biggest and most ambitious season yet. It's like eight blockbuster movies. It's pretty, pretty insane." Matt added, "At the same [time], we think it's — or hope it's — our most personal story. It was super intense and emotional to film — for us and for our actors we've been with for so long. And we've been making it together for almost 10 years now. There was a lot of crying. There was so much crying. The show means so much to all of us, and everyone put their hearts and souls into it. And we hope — and believe — that passion is going to translate to the screen."

The "Stranger Things" Universe Is Far From Ending: "There are more Stranger Things stories to tell and in the works," Matt shared, following up on what the Duffer Brothers have discussed since the final season of the franchise series was announced. "It's a bit early at this point to talk about them, but we're deeply involved in every one. It's very important to us that anything with the 'Stranger Things' name on it is of the highest quality and not repetitive, that it has a reason to exist and always blazes its own path. And also, it needs to basically just be awesome — or we need to think it's awesome. And there are a lot of what we think are awesome things in the pipeline."

We're looking at Episode 1: "The Crawl," Episode 2: "The Vanishing of …," Episode 3: "The Turnbow Trap," Episode 4: "Sorcerer," Episode 5: "Shock Jock," Episode 6: "Escape from Camazotz," Episode 7: "The Bridge," and Episode 8: "The Rightside Up." You can check out the title tease above, and a "fan edition" of a behind-the-scenes set visit below:

And don't forget that Nell Fisher, Jake Connelly, Alex Breaux, and the amazing Linda Hamilton have joined the cast for the fifth and final season – here's a look back at the video announcing Hamilton's casting:

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Ray FlookAbout Ray Flook

Serving as Television Editor since 2018, Ray began five years earlier as a contributing writer/photographer before being brought onto the core BC team in 2017.
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