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Supergirl Season 3, Episode 5 Recap: Damages
This article contains spoilers for the Supergirl Season 3 episode 'Damages'.
The main story last night was focused on Lena Luthor (Katie McGrath) and Morgan Edge (Adrian Pasdar) made his move against her. It starts with reports that children are coming down with lead poisoning and Edge takes to the news to blame Lena for the Lead Bomb she used to deal with the Daxamites in the Season 2 finale. Lena is stunned by this and it pushes her to the edge (no pun intended).
During a press conference where Lena is announcing she's stepping down from both CatCo and L Corp while an investigation takes place, an aggrieved parent shoots at her. Kara (Melissa Benoist) catches one bullet, while James (Mehcad Brooks) pushes Lena to safety and takes the shot in the shoulder. The third bullet we'll come back to.
Lena takes the news hard and beats herself up while Kara and Samantha (Odette Annable) work to find out what's going on. Together they find a connection between the sick kids involving a swimming pool and a chemical in the water that mimics lead and lead poisoning. Kara tells Lena who recognizes the company behind it as belonging to Edge. She goes to his office with a gun, planning on killing him (maybe). She gets knocked out, put on a plane full of that same chemical and is going to drop it in the city water. She stops the chemicals from dropping and Supergirl saves her — but Edge has isolated himself from any connection.
While this is going on, Maggie (Floriana Lima) and Alex (Chyler Leigh) have come to the decision that they can't be together because Alex wants kids and Maggie doesn't. Neither of them are willing to change on this and they break up. And the third bullet… it hit Samantha, but did nothing. She's bulletproof.
The Alex / Maggie story made this a pretty emotional episode, and the writers found a way to separate the two in a dramatic and real-world way without cheapening the story that brought them together. I don't know if this is what they originally had planned or if it's how they are dealing with Lima leaving the show, but it was well done.
The Lena story was interesting in that we see just how evil Edge can be, not caring about hurting children. But more importantly, Lena was going to kill Edge. That is not addressed, he doesn't tell that to Supergirl, she has no idea it happened. But Lena went to his office to kill him. That's kind of severe and important. If she's already going to that level, just how dark are they going to take her this season? And in an interesting twist, Edge tells Supergirl at the end that she is weak because she only inconvenienced him when she put him on the boat… where he would kill his enemies.
Next week it's a Kara and Alex episode as they borrow J'onn's spaceship / classic convertible to drive back home to help Alex deal with the breakup. There will be a lot of flashbacks with Helen Slater returning as Eliza, Erica Durance as Alura Zor-El, Olivia Nikkanen as young Alex and Izabela Vidovic as young Kara.