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Jim Lee's X-Men #1 Toilet Hits eBay
I liked Chris Claremont and Jim Lee's X-Men #1 back in the day. Hell, I had a letter saying so in issue 4. I even bought multiple issues because, well, that was the kind of guy I was back then. My copies may have been traded for somnething over the years, they may have been given away on Hallowe'en, they may be in the back of a longbox in the garden shed. But where they are not is plastered to my toilet. Which, it seems, may be a mistake.
Because being sold on eBay right now, with a starting bid of $495 is a toilet that is caked with Jim Lee's X-Men. Whether this is a labour or love or a labour of hate, I'm not quite sure.
The listing description states that;
The issues were carefully deconstructed, panel by panel, cover by cover using scissors and X-Acto blades. Hundreds of separate images were glued to every square inch (other than water holes) of the bowl, tank, seat, and lids. The gatefold cover was left intact to cover the tank lid, with smaller images added to cover the fold seams. After the entire tank was "base coated" with layers of images, the 3 covers that featured the members of the X-Men were dis-assembled to eliminate the backgrounds, then attached to the front of the tank. The bowl interior was covered with the assorted full-spread posters that came in the centerfold of each variant.
The seat has been covered with the ads from the various companies that advertised back issues, showing the prices for available issues in 1991. The seat lid features the Magneto cover and assorted images of the Master of Magnetism from all the issues. The back of the seat lid features the "Blast From the Past" centerfold poster, with only X-Men as the background, no bad guys or filler pics. The bottom of the seat is glossy images from the deluxe edition only. It's shiny and makes a wonderful frame for the lid back when opened…..The credits for the issue, along with the indicia, are intact on the base, along with the author's name in large letters from an ad featuring his novels. After all the separate images were glued in place, they were coated repeatedly, first with the glue sealant, then with 5-6 coats of polyurethane. The whole process took upwards of 80 hours and a full pint of polyurethane.
Okay, that's a labour of love. Just a very odd kind of love. And he'll go to some lengths as well –
Item will be shipped by Greyhound, or delivered personally if within 300 miles of Atlanta GA.