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San Diego Comic Con Scalp Tickets Hit $150 A Day
Two Four Day passes to San Diego Comic Con 2010 have just sold for $1200 for the pair on eBay. This supposedly gains the recipient entry to the San Diego Comic Con 2010 next week, but only from Thursday to Sunday, it doesn't include the Thursday Preview Night which sold out first. This is 600% of the price of the tickets, $100 each.
Only a couple of weeks ago, two Full Five Days passes went for $995 for the pair. Will we see single five day passes go for $1000 each before the show starts?
The San Diego Comic Con makes its policy clear. Tickets may not be sold on, but can be returned for a refund, in which case returned tickets can then be sold on at face value. And those who have bought such tickets may be refused entry.
How exactly that will be enforced when there are people clearly willing to pay such huge sums, is unclear.