Posted in: Movies, Recent Updates | Tagged: film, lego, lord of the rings, the avengers, the dark knight rises, the hobbit, toy fair, toys
Movie Tie-In Toys Galore At London's Toy Fair 2012! Lord Of The Rings, The Dark Knight Rises, Avengers And More
Once your inner six year-old has calmed down a bit, take a look at some of the latest move tie-in toys being exhibited at Toy Fair 2012 right now. The fair opened today at Olympia's Grand Hall and saw the debut of a number of new lines related to upcoming films, including The Dark Knight Rises and The Avengers. With regards to the latter, some speculation has been generated about whether this new Lego Hulk means that Dr Banner will be going a little more casual-chic in the new film. As you can see he in this photo from Blogomatic, he has swapped out his traditional purple pants for a nice pair of beige chinos. Very Shoreditch.
Even when he's slightly less stylised, the Hulk still likes the chino style, as evidenced in this image from Empire.
Hulk got veins.
The Toy Fair also showed off some miniature versions of the vehicles we can expect to see in The Avengers, including the S.H.I.E.L.D Helicarrier and the Avengers' Quinjet. Notice how the marketing guys have managed to misspell S.H.I.E.L.D on the summary for the Helicarrier – "I" before "E", guys. Here are the pictures, courtesy of SuperHeroHype.
No idea if the Stark Tek vehicles will actually show in the film, but I'd guess not.
Now, there was also some Avengers Lego on display, including the Loki Cosmic Cube Escape that we talked about. The "suggested build" for that kit showed a SPOILER, so jump to the next paragraph to avoid it: Hawkeye seems to be siding with Loki, driving him on his escape in a SHIELD off-roader. I'm with Empire in assuming mind-control must be at work.
Lego are certainly making the most of the forthcoming prequel to the Lord of the Rings trilogy, showing off some Lego versions of the four hobbits, Gandalf, Aragorn and some ginger bloke. What strikes me about this photo is that Frodo's ring is absolutely enormous. This is presumably because the Middle Earthians never bothered creating a Lego Ring of Power. Never mind, it shall be the one bracelet to rule them all.
Finally, The Dark Knight Rises will also be getting its own range of action figures in June. Action figures based on actors have a bit of a tendency to go wrong in the face area, so that no matter which actor they're based on they invariably end up looking like Max Headroom, but these actually look quite good. DC Direct haven't yet given us a glimpse of the new range in the flesh, since they won't be released until the summer, but they have announced their products and are displaying images of them at the fair.
They're releasing busts, 6 inchers and 12 inchers, and it is quite literally killing me not to make a joke about all three of those things. The sacrifices I make to keep this site classy. Here are some pictures, courtesy of Idle Hands, who have many more images on their site.
The Toy Fair will continue tomorrow and Thursday. Visit the official site for more information.