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ComiXology All Over The World – Greek Love For Dredd
While AMC's adaptation of Robert Kirkman's series plods along sluggishly on our television screens, The Walking Dead comic book suffers no lead-footed problems; issue #108 continues the trend of dominating the sales charts around the globe. It's nice to see Brian K Vaughn's phenomenal Saga space opera keep up with the zombie horde. If there is any new series worthy of topping the sales charts it is this one. Remember when comic sales were Marvel and DC with everyone else as an after-thought? Neither does Image.
You would think after twenty-five years of being a Hellblazer the cynical British magician would want a break, but he's been sent into the regular DC Universe to lukewarm sales in Constantine #1. If the book can establish itself against those disappointed with his departure from Veritgo, there is certainly room for growth. We'll see if it does better next week when it has had a full sales cycle.
The usual suspects round out the majority of the rest of the top 10 lists this week, with Marvel's Avengers and Superior Spider-Man standing alongside Batman and Justice League. One surprising book to sneak onto many of the lists is Judge Dredd Year One. There might be some juice left in that story after all.
Great Britain
1. Saga #11 £1.99
2. All-New X-Men #9 £2.49
3. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #10 £0.69
4. The Walking Dead #108 £1.99
5. Avengers Vol. 5 #8 £2.49
6. Superior Spider-Man #6 £2.49
7. Justice League (2011-) #18 £2.49
8. New Avengers Vol. 3 #4 £2.49
9. Batman (2011-) #18 £2.49
10. Judge Dredd Year One #1 £2.49
1. The Walking Dead #108 $2.99
2. Saga #11 $2.99
3. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #10 $0.99
4. All-New X-Men #9 $3.99
5. Justice League (2011-) #18 $3.99
6. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #9 $0.99
7. Avengers Vol. 5 #8 $3.99
8. Batman (2011-) #18 $3.99
9. Superior Spider-Man #6 $3.99
10. New Avengers Vol. 3 #4 $3.99
United States
1. All-New X-Men #9 $3.99
2. The Walking Dead #108 $2.99
3. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #10 $0.99
4. Saga #11 $2.99
5. Justice League (2011-) #18 $3.99
6. Avengers Vol. 5 #8 $3.99
7. Justice League of America (2013-) #2 $3.99
8. New Avengers Vol. 3 #4 $3.99
9. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #9 $0.99
10. Batman (2011-) #18 $3.99
1. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #10 $0.99
2. The Walking Dead #108 $2.99
3. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #9 $0.99
4. Saga #11 $2.99
5. Justice League of America (2013-) #2 $4.49
6. All-New X-Men #9 $4.49
7. Batman (2011-) #18 $4.49
8. Justice League (2011-) #18 $4.49
9. Constantine #1 $2.99
10. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #8 $0.99
1. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #10 $0.99
2. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #9 $0.99
3. All-New X-Men #9 $3.99
4. The Walking Dead #108 $2.99
5. Voltron #11 $3.99
6. Wonder Woman (2011-) #18 $2.99
7. Justice League of America (2013-) #2 $3.99
8. Justice League (2011-) #18 $3.99
9. Green Lantern: New Guardians (2011-) #18 $2.99
10. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #8 $0.99
1. The Walking Dead #108 2,69 €
2. All-New X-Men #9 3,59 €
3. Avengers Vol. 5 #8 3,59 €
4. Justice League (2011-) #18 3,59 €
5. New Avengers Vol. 3 #4 3,59 €
6. Saga #11 2,69 €
7. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #10 0,89 €
8. Superior Spider-Man #6 3,59 €
9. Justice League of America (2013-) #2 3,59 €
10. Nova Vol. 5 #2 3,59 €
1. The Walking Dead # 108 € 2.69
2. Invincible # 101 € 2.69
3. Saga # 11 € 2.69
4. Saga # 10 € 1.79
5. All-New X-Men # 9 € 3.59
6. Justice League of America (2013 -) # 2 € 3.59
7. Justice League (2011 -) # 18 € 3.59
8. Batman (2011 -) # 1 € 0.89
9. Avengers Vol 5 # 8 € 3.59
10. Nova Vol 5 # 2 € 3.59
1. The Walking Dead #108 2,69 €
2. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #10 0,89 €
3. Constantine #1 2,69 €
4. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #9 0,89 €
5. All-New X-Men #9 3,59 €
6. Batman (2011-) #18 3,59 €
7. X-Factor #253 2,69 €
8. Captain America Vol. 7 #5 3,59 €
9. Invincible #101 2,69 €
10. Superior Spider-Man #6 3,59 €
1. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013 -) # 10 $ 13.00
2. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013 -) # 9 $ 13.00
3. The Walking Dead # 108 $ 39.00
4. Batman (2011 -) # 18 $ 49.00
5. Saga # 11 $ 39.00
6. Batman and Robin (2011 -) # 18 $ 39.00
7. Justice League (2011 -) # 18 $ 49.00
8. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013 -) # 8 $ 13.00
9. Injustice (2013 -) # 1 $ 13.00
10. Wonder Woman (2011 -) # 18 $ 39.00
1. Superior Spider-Man #6 ¥350
2. Red Hood and the Outlaws (2011-) #18 ¥250
3. Batman (2011-) #18 ¥350
4. Deadpool Vol. 4 #6 ¥250
5. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #10 ¥85
6. Batman and Robin (2011-) #18 ¥250
7. Indestructible Hulk #5 ¥350
8. Avengers Vol. 5 #8 ¥350
9. Nightwing (2011-) #18 ¥250
10. Justice League (2011-) #18 ¥35
1. The Walking Dead #108 ¥18.00
2. Astonishing X-Men #11 ¥12.00
3. My Little Pony: Micro Series – Rainbow Dash #2 (of 6) ¥25.00
4. Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Vol. 2 #21 ¥25.00
5. Hack/Slash #24 ¥18.00
6. Journey Into Mystery #91 ¥12.00
7. DmC Devil May Cry: The Chronicles of Vergil #2 ¥25.00
8. DmC Devil May Cry: The Chronicles of Vergil #1 ¥25.00
9. Hickman Image Omnibus ¥123.00
10. Big Nate All Work and No Play ¥68.00
1. The Walking Dead #108 USD 2.99
2. All-New X-Men #9 USD 3.99
3. New Avengers Vol. 3 #4 USD 3.99
4. Avengers Vol. 5 #8 USD 3.99
5. Justice League (2011-) #18 USD 3.99
6. Saga #11 USD 2.99
7. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #10 USD 0.99
8. Constantine #1 USD 2.99
9. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #9 USD 0.99
10. Action Comics (2011-) #18 USD 4.99
1. Batman (2011-) #18 Rs 220
2. Red Wing Vol. 1 Rs 220
3. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #9 Rs 55
4. Batman and Robin (2011-) #18 Rs 170
5. Planetary/Batman: Night on Earth Rs 110
6. Astonishing X-Men Vol. 3: Torn Rs 590
7. Five Ghosts: The Haunting of Fabian Gray #1 (of 5) Rs 170
8. Hellraiser: The Dark Watch #2 Rs 220
9. Constantine #1 Rs 170
10. Hellraiser: The Dark Watch #1 Rs 110
1. The Walking Dead #108 99 р.
2. Saga #11 99 р.
3. My Little Pony: Micro Series – Rainbow Dash #2 (of 6) 129 р.
4. Superior Spider-Man #6 129 р.
5. Madness of Wonderland #2 (of 4) 129 р.
6. Grimm Fairy Tales #83 99 р.
7. Batman (2011- ) #1 33 р.
8. Generation Hope #1 66 р.
9. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #9 33 р.
10. Saga #10 66 р.
1. Judge Dredd Year One #1 3,59 €
2. Y: The Last Man #3 1,79 €
3. Y: The Last Man #4 1,79 €
4. Deadpool Vol. 4 #6 2,69 €
5. Superior Spider-Man #6 3,59 €
6. Red Hood and the Outlaws (2011-) #18 2,69 €
7. Nightwing (2011-) #18 2,69 €
8. Catwoman (2011-) #18 2,69 €
9. Birds of Prey (2011-) #18 2,69 €
10. Torso 8,99 €
1. The Walking Dead #108 2,69 €
2. Saga #11 2,69 €
3. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #10 0,89 €
4. Justice League of America (2013-) #2 3,59 €
5. Saga #10 1,79 €
6. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #9 0,89 €
7. Justice League (2011-) #18 3,59 €
8. The Walking Dead Vol. 1: Days Gone Bye 7,99 €
9. Five Ghosts: The Haunting of Fabian Gray #1 (of 5) 2,69 €
10. The Walking Dead #107 1,79 €
1. Saga #11 2,69 €
2. The Walking Dead #108 2,69 €
3. All-New X-Men #9 3,59 €
4. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #10 0,89 €
5. Batman (2011-) #18 3,59 €
6. Avengers Vol. 5 #8 3,59 €
7. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #9 0,89 €
8. Age of Ultron #2 (of 10) 3,59 €
9. Indestructible Hulk #5 3,59 €
10. Superior Spider-Man #6 3,59 €
1. Batman and Robin (2011-) #18 NIS 11.90
2. Rocketeer NIS 23.90
3. Justice League (2011- ) #6 NIS 11.90
4. Justice League (2011-) #1 NIS 3.90
5. Justice League (2011-) #5 NIS 11.90
6. Justice League (2011-) #2 NIS 11.90
7. Justice League (2011-) #4 NIS 11.90
8. Justice League (2011-) #3 NIS 11.90
9. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #9 NIS 3.90
10. Batman (2011-) #18 NIS 15.90
1. Saga #11 22,00 kr
2. The Walking Dead #108 22,00 kr
3. Batman (2011-) #18 28,00 kr
4. Justice League (2011-) #18 28,00 kr
5. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #10 7,00 kr
6. Avengers Vol. 5 #8 28,00 kr
7. All-New X-Men #9 28,00 kr
8. Constantine #1 22,00 kr
9. Judge Dredd Year One #1 28,00 kr
10. New Avengers Vol. 3 #4 28,00 kr
1. The Walking Dead #108 21,00 kr
2. Saga #11 21,00 kr
3. Constantine #1 21,00 kr
4. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #10 7,00 kr
5. Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #9 7,00 kr
6. New Avengers Vol. 3 #4 28,00 kr
7. Avengers Vol. 5 #8 28,00 kr
8. Batman (2011-) #18 28,00 kr
9. Batman and Robin (2011-) #18 21,00 kr
10. Justice League (2011-) #18 28,00 kr
March 21, 2013 ComiXology Report
While AMC's adaptation of Robert Kirkman's series plods along sluggishly on our television screens, The Walking Dead comic book suffers no lead-footed problems; issue #108 continues the trend of dominating the sales charts around the globe. It's nice to see Brian K Vaughn's phenomenal Saga space opera keep up with the zombie horde. If there is any new series worthy of topping the sales charts it is this one. Remember when comic sales were Marvel and DC with everyone else as an after-thought? Neither does Image.
You would think after twenty-five years of being a Hellblazer the cynical British magician would want a break, but he's been sent into the regular DC Universe to lukewarm sales in Constantine #1. If the book can establish itself against those disappointed with his departure from Veritgo, there is certainly room for growth. We'll see if it does better next week when it has had a full sales cycle.
The usual suspects round out the majority of the rest of the top 10 lists this week, with Marvel's Avengers and Superior Spider-Man standing alongside Batman and Justice League. One surprising book to sneak onto many of the lists is Judge Dredd Year One. There might be some juice left in that story after all.
Great Britain
Saga #11 £1.99
All-New X-Men #9 £2.49
Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #10 £0.69
The Walking Dead #108 £1.99
Avengers Vol. 5 #8 £2.49
Superior Spider-Man #6 £2.49
Justice League (2011-) #18 £2.49
New Avengers Vol. 3 #4 £2.49
Batman (2011-) #18 £2.49
Judge Dredd Year One #1 £2.49
The Walking Dead #108 $2.99
Saga #11 $2.99
Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #10 $0.99
All-New X-Men #9 $3.99
Justice League (2011-) #18 $3.99
Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #9 $0.99
Avengers Vol. 5 #8 $3.99
Batman (2011-) #18 $3.99
Superior Spider-Man #6 $3.99
New Avengers Vol. 3 #4 $3.99
United States
All-New X-Men #9 $3.99
The Walking Dead #108 $2.99
Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #10 $0.99
Saga #11 $2.99
Justice League (2011-) #18 $3.99
Avengers Vol. 5 #8 $3.99
Justice League of America (2013-) #2 $3.99
New Avengers Vol. 3 #4 $3.99
Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #9 $0.99
Batman (2011-) #18 $3.99
Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #10 $0.99
The Walking Dead #108 $2.99
Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #9 $0.99
Saga #11 $2.99
Justice League of America (2013-) #2 $4.49
All-New X-Men #9 $4.49
Batman (2011-) #18 $4.49
Justice League (2011-) #18 $4.49
Constantine #1 $2.99
Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #8 $0.99
Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #10 $0.99
Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #9 $0.99
All-New X-Men #9 $3.99
The Walking Dead #108 $2.99
Voltron #11 $3.99
Wonder Woman (2011-) #18 $2.99
Justice League of America (2013-) #2 $3.99
Justice League (2011-) #18 $3.99
Green Lantern: New Guardians (2011-) #18 $2.99
Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #8 $0.99
The Walking Dead #108 2,69 €
All-New X-Men #9 3,59 €
Avengers Vol. 5 #8 3,59 €
Justice League (2011-) #18 3,59 €
New Avengers Vol. 3 #4 3,59 €
Saga #11 2,69 €
Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #10 0,89 €
Superior Spider-Man #6 3,59 €
Justice League of America (2013-) #2 3,59 €
Nova Vol. 5 #2 3,59 €
The Walking Dead # 108 € 2.69
Invincible # 101 € 2.69
Saga # 11 € 2.69
Saga # 10 € 1.79
All-New X-Men # 9 € 3.59
Justice League of America (2013 -) # 2 € 3.59
Justice League (2011 -) # 18 € 3.59
Batman (2011 -) # 1 € 0.89
Avengers Vol 5 # 8 € 3.59
Nova Vol 5 # 2 € 3.59
The Walking Dead #108 2,69 €
Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #10 0,89 €
Constantine #1 2,69 €
Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #9 0,89 €
All-New X-Men #9 3,59 €
Batman (2011-) #18 3,59 €
X-Factor #253 2,69 €
Captain America Vol. 7 #5 3,59 €
Invincible #101 2,69 €
Superior Spider-Man #6 3,59 €
Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013 -) # 10 $ 13.00
Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013 -) # 9 $ 13.00
The Walking Dead # 108 $ 39.00
Batman (2011 -) # 18 $ 49.00
Saga # 11 $ 39.00
Batman and Robin (2011 -) # 18 $ 39.00
Justice League (2011 -) # 18 $ 49.00
Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013 -) # 8 $ 13.00
Injustice (2013 -) # 1 $ 13.00
Wonder Woman (2011 -) # 18 $ 39.00
Superior Spider-Man #6 ¥350
Red Hood and the Outlaws (2011-) #18 ¥250
Batman (2011-) #18 ¥350
Deadpool Vol. 4 #6 ¥250
Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #10 ¥85
Batman and Robin (2011-) #18 ¥250
Indestructible Hulk #5 ¥350
Avengers Vol. 5 #8 ¥350
Nightwing (2011-) #18 ¥250
Justice League (2011-) #18 ¥35
The Walking Dead #108 ¥18.00
Astonishing X-Men #11 ¥12.00
My Little Pony: Micro Series – Rainbow Dash #2 (of 6) ¥25.00
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Vol. 2 #21 ¥25.00
Hack/Slash #24 ¥18.00
Journey Into Mystery #91 ¥12.00
DmC Devil May Cry: The Chronicles of Vergil #2 ¥25.00
DmC Devil May Cry: The Chronicles of Vergil #1 ¥25.00
Hickman Image Omnibus ¥123.00
Big Nate All Work and No Play ¥68.00
The Walking Dead #108 USD 2.99
All-New X-Men #9 USD 3.99
New Avengers Vol. 3 #4 USD 3.99
Avengers Vol. 5 #8 USD 3.99
Justice League (2011-) #18 USD 3.99
Saga #11 USD 2.99
Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #10 USD 0.99
Constantine #1 USD 2.99
Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #9 USD 0.99
Action Comics (2011-) #18 USD 4.99
Batman (2011-) #18 Rs 220
Red Wing Vol. 1 Rs 220
Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #9 Rs 55
Batman and Robin (2011-) #18 Rs 170
Planetary/Batman: Night on Earth Rs 110
Astonishing X-Men Vol. 3: Torn Rs 590
Five Ghosts: The Haunting of Fabian Gray #1 (of 5) Rs 170
Hellraiser: The Dark Watch #2 Rs 220
Constantine #1 Rs 170
Hellraiser: The Dark Watch #1 Rs 110
The Walking Dead #108 99 р.
Saga #11 99 р.
My Little Pony: Micro Series – Rainbow Dash #2 (of 6) 129 р.
Superior Spider-Man #6 129 р.
Madness of Wonderland #2 (of 4) 129 р.
Grimm Fairy Tales #83 99 р.
Batman (2011- ) #1 33 р.
Generation Hope #1 66 р.
Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #9 33 р.
Saga #10 66 р.
Judge Dredd Year One #1 3,59 €
Y: The Last Man #3 1,79 €
Y: The Last Man #4 1,79 €
Deadpool Vol. 4 #6 2,69 €
Superior Spider-Man #6 3,59 €
Red Hood and the Outlaws (2011-) #18 2,69 €
Nightwing (2011-) #18 2,69 €
Catwoman (2011-) #18 2,69 €
Birds of Prey (2011-) #18 2,69 €
Torso 8,99 €
The Walking Dead #108 2,69 €
Saga #11 2,69 €
Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #10 0,89 €
Justice League of America (2013-) #2 3,59 €
Saga #10 1,79 €
Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #9 0,89 €
Justice League (2011-) #18 3,59 €
The Walking Dead Vol. 1: Days Gone Bye 7,99 €
Five Ghosts: The Haunting of Fabian Gray #1 (of 5) 2,69 €
The Walking Dead #107 1,79 €
Saga #11 2,69 €
The Walking Dead #108 2,69 €
All-New X-Men #9 3,59 €
Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #10 0,89 €
Batman (2011-) #18 3,59 €
Avengers Vol. 5 #8 3,59 €
Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #9 0,89 €
Age of Ultron #2 (of 10) 3,59 €
Indestructible Hulk #5 3,59 €
Superior Spider-Man #6 3,59 €
Batman and Robin (2011-) #18 NIS 11.90
Rocketeer NIS 23.90
Justice League (2011- ) #6 NIS 11.90
Justice League (2011-) #1 NIS 3.90
Justice League (2011-) #5 NIS 11.90
Justice League (2011-) #2 NIS 11.90
Justice League (2011-) #4 NIS 11.90
Justice League (2011-) #3 NIS 11.90
Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #9 NIS 3.90
Batman (2011-) #18 NIS 15.90
Saga #11 22,00 kr
The Walking Dead #108 22,00 kr
Batman (2011-) #18 28,00 kr
Justice League (2011-) #18 28,00 kr
Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #10 7,00 kr
Avengers Vol. 5 #8 28,00 kr
All-New X-Men #9 28,00 kr
Constantine #1 22,00 kr
Judge Dredd Year One #1 28,00 kr
New Avengers Vol. 3 #4 28,00 kr
The Walking Dead #108 21,00 kr
Saga #11 21,00 kr
Constantine #1 21,00 kr
Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #10 7,00 kr
Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-) #9 7,00 kr
New Avengers Vol. 3 #4 28,00 kr
Avengers Vol. 5 #8 28,00 kr
Batman (2011-) #18 28,00 kr
Batman and Robin (2011-) #18 21,00 kr
Justice League (2011-) #18 28,00 kr
