Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: fcbd, free comic book day
FCBD 2013: Free Comic Book Day From Ontario To Istanbul
More big signings for Free Comic Book Day on May the fourth. 3 Alarm Comics of Mississippi…
Stadium Comics of Ontario has a signing with Ken Lashley, Marcus To, Ty Templeton, Adam Gorham, David Bishop and more…
Andy Diggle is doing a signing in Edinburgh, Scotland at Forbidden Planet.
And even Büyülü Dükkan in İstanbul is joining in for FCBD with a signing with Ivan Reis, Mahmud Asrar and Yildiray Cinar.
Coliseum of Comics in Kissimmee, FL will have artist Aaron Conley sketching and signing.
Orbital Comics on London will; have a signing with Kieron Gillen.
Collectors Corner of Baltimore, Maryland is expanding the size of the store, unveiled for Free Comic Book Day. Signings and sketches from Cary Nord, Greg LaRocqoue, Joe Keatinge, Brandon Seifert, Mike Moreci, Steve Seeley and more. The first fifty people in line will get a tickets to see Iron Man 3 for free that evening, $75 worth of trade paperbacks and one will win a $150 shopping spree.