Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: clint, Comics, kick ass 2, Mark Millar, titan
Mark Millar's CLiNT Magazine Cancelled On The Day Kick Ass 2 Launches In The UK
After increasingly delayed issues, poor performance on the UK news stand it was intended for, and a disappearance from Titan's online promotion efforts, Bleeding Cool had been asking Titan Comics if Mark Miller's CLiNT magazine was to be cancelled after it's upcoming Film Special issue.
We kept getting no comments, or changed conversations.
Today, Titan released the news through American website CBR that, yes, indeed, the magazine was cancelled with the next issue. On the same day that Kick Ass 2 is released in the UK, in a fashion seemingly designed to bury the bad news, especially since it went out shortly after Titan closed for the day.
Kick Ass 2 issues ofter debuted in CLiNT before American publication, and it was initially star filled, with strips from Jonathan Ross, Frankie Boyle, Jimmy Carr and Stewart Lee. This faded as the magazine continued publication, however.
An attempt to springboard new British talent however faltered, as a number of people who entered a competition and promised their strips has been bought for the magazine never heard back from the publication. However it did also launch the comic Death Sentence, which has now been picked up by Titan as a regular series.
Lateness of issues caused problems with supermarket and newsagent distributors, who dropped the publication as a result. Though it found a new life in comic stores, and the magazine changed its content and focus to reflect that.
There was also concern from subscribers, who found Titan taking regular subscription money even though the magazine was repeatedly late, and whose complaints were often ignored. The lack of updates for the website and the twitter feed indicated that there were problems and Titan didn't consider the magazine a priority anymore.
The statement issued to CBR doesn't address concerns about subscribers. I contacted Titan who I am sure will get back to me in the morning.