Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, entertainment, marvel, Marvel Comics, spider-gwen
The Future Of Spider-Gwen Will Be Announced On Wednesday
Recently, we ran the rumour that there was going to be a lot more Spider-Gwen to come. And that Marvel CEO had taken a person interest in the character, green lighting a ongoing series for the character himself. Which has let some (including us) to envision a Spider-Gwen movie in Marvel/Sony's future.
Well, whatever the character's future in the Marvel Universe – currently the Spider-Woman of a parallel universe – we'll be discovering it on Wednesday.
At Heroes Con yesterday, the Spider-Gwen panel talked around the edges of what was to be announced. Without saying anything, Though Jason Latour and Robbi Rodriguez did say that they were meant to do a Moon Knight stint after Spider-Gwen, before the sun got extended…
So until Wednesday. Of Gwensday as it should now be called…