Posted in: ABC, Preview, Trailer, TV | Tagged: bleeding cool, cable, Chloe Bennet, clark gregg, comic books, Comics, Disney-ABC Television Group, elizabeth henstridge, Henry Simmons, iain de caestecker, Jeff Ward, karolina wydra, marvel, Marvel Studios, Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., ming-na wen, Natalia Cordova-Buckley, streaming, television, tv
"Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." Season 6 Episode 10 "Leap": Who Is Izel Today? [PREVIEW]
No one goes from celebrating and happy to possessed and violently suspicious quite like ABC's Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.. Last week's episode, "Collision Course Part II" ended with Mack (Henry Simmons) and the rest of S.H.I.E.L.D. celebrating a series of victories. The team destroyed the Lazy Comet, FitzSimmons (Iain De Caestecker, Elizabeth Henstridge) returned, and Jaco (Winston James Francis) helped the Agents take out a lot of Shrikes. The good feelings do not last long, however, and in this week's episode "Leap" the party is definitely over. The Agents will be in a race against time, trying to figure out who – and what – Izel (Karolina Wydra) is before she has a chance to destroy S.H.I.E.L.D. from the inside. Creepy shape shifting spoilers ahead.
"Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." Season 6 Episode 10 "Leap": "The party's over, and now the team must trust each other in order to face impending doom and an enemy that's closer than they think."
This week's promo video for Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. picks up right where last week's episode left off. The Agents must deal with the aftermath of May (Ming-Na Wen) unloading her gun into Sarge (Clark Gregg). May, always in control, doesn't remember anything about the attack. In one scene, Sarge appears to be in the Lighthouse morgue, so the shooting might prove fatal. Interestingly, Izel appears within the Lighthouse, but in a semi-corporeal form. She is able to move through Simmons by deconstructing into some sort of red material.
After last week's episode, several of our readers hypothesized that Davis (Maximilian Osinski) is not Shriked, but is instead possessed by Izel. The Shrike Creator's ability to move through people, and her presence in the Lighthouse, support that theory. Additionally, in the images released by ABC for "Leap," (seen throughout this article) Davis appears to be up, about, and trusted as an agent again. That, coupled with the preview voice-over by May, indicate that possession by Izel, unlike Shrike possession, not fatal. In the preview, Mack decides to lock down the Lighthouse. Assuming that Izel can jump from person to person, and make her host act out her wishes, this week's episode could turn into a very violent game of The Mole.
The S.H.I.E.L.D. team spent much of the last year scattered across the galaxy. After so much time apart, will they be able to identify the possessed agents in their midst? Adding Sarge, with Coulson's face, and the homicidal Snowflake (Brooke Williams) into the mix could be a recipe for disaster. Perhaps the episode title, "Leap," refers to a leap of faith that someone, or the team, have to make. Who must they have faith in? Each other? Mack? Sarge?
When a team of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents are locked in a secret base with three homicidal maniacs, anything could happen. And knowing Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., writers will come up with some shocking and disgusting twist no one saw coming. There's nothing left to do now but wait and see who survives the (Light)house party from hell.
Maybe we will get a hint at the show's Hall H panel at San Diego Comic-Con on Thursday?
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 6 Episode 10 "Leap" airs Friday June 19 at 8PM on ABC.