Posted in: Comics | Tagged: dan jurgens, dc, Green Lanterns, mike perkins
Dan Jurgens and Mike Perkins Stake Claim on Green Lanterns in July
So imagine that you're Dan Jurgens, you're cruising along Comic Book Boulevard, happily writing a well-received run on Action Comics at DC, when, out of nowhere, Marvel Comics' superstar writer "The Great One" Brian Bendis just decides that he wants to write Superman because he went to a Superman exhibit at the Cleveland Library of all places, and so DC just gives him not one but two Superman books, like anyone needs two Superman books, including the one you're writing. Cripes! Who coulda seen that one coming? What do you do now?!
For Dan Jurgens, the answer is: grab the nearest Mike Perkins and go take over Green Lanterns! According to DC's May Previews Catalog for items shipping in July, Jurgens and Perkins will be taking over Green Lanterns with issue #50 in July. The solicit reads:
"Something is amiss." That's what the Guardians believe. But even they cannot see the darkness growing inside the Central Power Battery… an infection. One that will have enormous repercussions within the entire Green Lantern Corps. Making matters worse, in light of recent events, Jessica Cruz questions her place within the Green Lantern Corps, contemplating leaving it behind. And her partner Simon Baz is stung so much by her confession, he may let her go…
Then, a murderer stands within the GLC's ranks as tension rises between Simon and Jessica. Their rings seem to say the other committed the crime.
Green Lanterns #50 is on sale on July 4th, and #51 is on sale July 18th.