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Issue 2: Expanding Your Comic-Verse

Kickstarter Picture 2
Rob Wieland writes,

Last year, via a successful Kickstarter, we introduced the Sinners Comic Book series to the world. In Issue 1, Hope wakes up dead (as you do) and gets given a mysterious limousine with a GPS to guide her across America collecting the sinners, and dispatching them with a blinding light into the trunk.


It was a great story, but it was only ever the start. It posed a lot of questions, none of which were answered, so when it came to writing issue 2, I knew I had start expanding on the comic-verse, giving people more insights into what might be going on.


Not only that, but it was always our intention to do an issue for each of the seven deadly sins. Knowing this, and knowing we had to fit all seven into our twelve issue run, I had to get cracking with one of them. But which one?


I'd written brief outlines for each sin, and the characters involved, so it was a case of fitting the sin to the location. Bearing in mind we'd left Hope in the middle of the desert, it made sense to start with Pride, which partially takes place on a tour bus, on the dusty desert roads.


Expanding your comic-verse is exciting, but should be approached with caution. If I'd thrown as much mystery into issue 2, I think everything would have started to become over-confusing, and the readers would have lost interest in our protagonist.


So, knowing I'd spent the whole of issue 1 on Hope, I made sure the initial part of issue 2 dealt with the sinner themselves, in a scenario that people would instantly recognise. It would give them a sure footing in the story. Of course, some of our regulars put in an appearance, not least of which is the Girl Who Shines, who appears briefly on the bus. These appearances help cement the continuing parts of the story, and give common references which help the reader feel part of the overall story. They're the rewards for sticking with us.


When Hope eventually runs into the sinner of issue 2, a roadie called Craig, we already understand his character, so it's a case of allowing the reader to sit back, and seeing how these two personalities react to each other.


There's other things to consider, too. Hope is starting to get used to her role, however bizarre it is, and her own persona is starting to dictate the play.


Lastly, we're introduced to another character who has seen the car before, but not with Hope driving it. This gives our comic-verse more background without having to explain too much. We can see how the limousine affects people who've had to deal with it, and lived.


I think Sinners Issue 2 works well, and gives more solidity to this strange and supernatural world, thus allowing us to introduce some new abstract characters in issue 3.


This Weekend, Be Rewarded for Your Sins

This weekend is great for comic book lovers; not only is the London Super Comic-Con on at the Excel Centre, but the Sinners Comic Book team will be there bringing you some fantastic offers.


Any Bleeding Cool readers who back Sinners 2 over the weekend and message me with the code BCSinners2016 will get an automatic upgrade to the next level tier on the Kickstarter campaign, no matter the level of the original pledge!

Issue 2: Expanding Your Comic-Verse


But that's not all. If you're at London Super Comic-Con this weekend, come find us at Table A18, where, if you decide to back us, then and there, we'll give you a free flying ship A3 story poster – normally £3!


We also couldn't leave without saying a huge thank you to all the Bleeding Cool backers who made Sinners 1 possible and we can't wait to welcome more of you as backers to Sinners 2.

Sinners Cover

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from Blacks on Dean Street, shops at Piranha Comics. Father of two. Political cartoonist.
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