Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: Comics, dc comics, watchmen 2
Saturday Trending Topics: All This, And Watchmen Too
One of the fascinating things about this Watchmen 2 business is exactly that — the business implications of it. Because directly in the wake of the wildly successful New 52 launch, they're going to be launching this. And no matter what you think of the creative implications of whatever final shape this Watchmen 2 project takes, there's little doubt it's going to command the attention of… lots and lots of people. It's tough to deny that the players on the DC executive team are swinging for the fences this year, and if New 52 was a home run, what will Watchmen 2 be?
Most-Read Comic Stories Today:
The Phone Call That Confirmed Watchmen 2
"How did you know? How did you know? I didn't know. How did you know?"
Squirrelling Out Details On Watchmen 2
Sometimes all you do is have to mention its name, and lots of bits spill out.
27 New Jobs At Marvel Comics – As Interns
As the Marvelcution hits one side of the business, with more jobs feared to be hit shortly, so Marvel begin advertising on Facebook the upcoming Intern programs at for college students in Manhattan, New York and Muscle Beach, LA starting in the spring of 2012. The deadline to apply is November the 19th, but remember, housing, transport and all other costs are not covered. Basically you'll need to know someone who lives nearby and have a few thousand dollars saved up for the duration…
Most-Read TV/Film Stories Today:
Conan O'Brien – "Batman Is Starting To Show His Age"
I think Conan O'Brien must be targeting the young 'uns with all this video game coverage he's been doing lately – not to mention this prize bit of bat-eared codger bashing.
The New Pulp Fiction Blu-Ray Is Controversial, But I'm All For It
The process of mastering a Blu-ray typically employs laser scanning to convert the film to digital format. It's a relatively new technology, but it gets incredibly stable results – far better than what was possible from the old telecine technique.
Not Really A Shock: King And Joe Hill's Walking Dead Went Away With Darabont
It's exactly as you'd expect, I think, but Bleeding Cool have heard from a good source near the show that the moment Stephen King's plan to write an episode of The Walking Dead with his son Joe Hill was extinguished was the moment that Frank Darabont came unbound from the show.