Posted in: Comics | Tagged: #nationalsuperheroday, donald trump, hydra, ICE, secret empire
U.S. Immigration And Customs Enforcement (ICE) Unironically Honors Self For #NationalSuperHeroDay
Today is apparently National Superhero Day, says whoever it is that decides this things. The National Day website claims that Marvel Comics started the day in 1995, which seems to indicate that anyone can start a day for any purpose. Bleeding Cool would like to announce that from her on out, September 21 will be National Rumormongering Day, celebrating the heroic efforts of the nation's clickbaiting internet journalists. Tributes can be paid in cash, or sent directly to our paypal accounts. And National Pecan Cookie Day is going to have to go and find itself a new date. Sorry, that's just how it is.
But we digress.
The nation is celebrating Superhero Day today, and by the nation, we mean U.S. Immigration And Customs Enforcement. ICE wants to remind people that its officers are superheroes too, tweeting:
While ICE does do some things that could be considered superhero-like, such as fighting human trafficking, they also do some things that would traditionally fall on the villain side of the ideological divide, such as deporting innocent people seeking a better life from the country or stopping muslims from even entering on the orders of an orange-skinned tyrant. Then again, fascist heroes do seem to be in vogue these days, as any recent Marvel Comics super-mega-crossover event will tell you. So, perhaps ICE really is staying true to the spirit of the founders of National Superhero Day by declaring themselves to be superheroes.
Needless to say, the response to Ice's tweet was swift and decidedly negative:
Or our personal favorite:
Well said, Mr. Assbutt.