Beware Archives

Heritage Auctions Featuring An All-Time Wacky Cover Right Now
Beware #12, published by Trojan in 1954, had to frighten people on the newsstand, right? The look of terror on that woman's face, staring straight into the face of this mantis…thing coming out of the cave? If I had been a kid walking past this, I would have hidden behind my parents And then bought[...]
Beware #11 (Trojan, 1954) featuring Myron Fass drawing himself.
One principle of the company, William Friedman, had acted as Donenfeld's lawyer on numerous occasions, while another, Adrian Lopez, had previously co-founded a magazine publisher with Donenfeld.  Comic book titles sometimes shifted between various parts of this constellation, and the Pre-Code Horror title Beware was one of these.  With 18 issues published between Youthful Publications[...]
Horror on the Road at Night as Indie Game 'Beware' Gets a Demo
If you'd like a little slice of horror on the open road, complete with all the orange lights and mysterious fog your brain can handle, then might we suggest a brand-new demo for the upcoming game Beware that apparently went live this past week This is one of those games on the fringes that you hear about[...]