gone with the wind Archives

Scrubs, 30 Rock: Use Disclaimers, Not Removal of Blackface Episodes
When HBO Max removed Gone with the Wind (1939) from circulation due to its racial depictions during the Civil War, the streamer added a disclaimer to the MGM film with an introduction informing the audience the content created was a byproduct of its time What was acceptable then isn't acceptable now Do the same for[...]
Gone With the Wind is Gone from HBO Max For Now
Gone With The Wind has rocketed up the sales charts on digital services since being removed from HBO Max for "racist depictions" The film currently is on top of the Amazon sales rankings, where on streaming you can rent the film for $3.99 or buy it for $9.99 On iTunes, the film currently sits at[...]
Gone With the Wind is Gone from HBO Max For Now
Streaming service HBO Max has removed the Hollywood classic Gone With the Wind The 1939 Hollywood classic, which won 12 Oscars, adapted Margaret Mitchell's 1936 romantic novel about life on an Atlanta slave plantation after the end of the Civil War It has long been considered problematic in the last forty years when society became[...]
gone with the wind
The Orpheum Theater in Memphis, Tennessee has canceled all planned screenings of Gone With The Wind in the wake of the white supremacist rally that ended in violence and death in Charlottesville and the subsequent debate over Confederate romanticism. The Orpheum issued a statement about their decision, printed on Entertainment Weekly: "While title selections for the series[...]