Terra Nil Archives

Devolver Digital Announces Reverse City-Builder Terra Nil
Devolver Digital and developer Free Lives have released an all-new video for Terra Nil, as the team gives you a better look at how to get started While it isn't quite a dev video, it basically is as you're given a how-to on getting started with turning a polluted or rundown wasteland into a place[...]
Devolver Digital Announces Reverse City-Builder Terra Nil
Devolver Digital, along with developer Free Lives, confirmed today that Terra Nil will be coming to PC and Netflix sometime this Spring The game had already been teased for being on the way, but now it's been confirmed the game will be coming out for both platforms, as Netflix continues to build up their game[...]
Devolver Digital Announces Reverse City-Builder Terra Nil
Devolver Digital announced a brand new game on the way as they unveiled their reverse city-builder title Terra Nil This game is really cool but it's also looking like it might be a head-scratcher for a few people, as you will be an engineer performing reverse city construction on an ecosystem that needs reconstruction You'll[...]