Posted in: Sports, TV, WWE | Tagged: Bautista vs. Trump, clickbait, dave bautista, donald trump, politics, wrestling, wwe
Dave Bautista Weighs in on Whether Donald Trump is Like Jesus Christ
Guardians of the Galaxy star Dave Bautista is known more for his acting chops and skills in the wrestling ring than is for his mastery of theology, but that hasn't stopped The Animal from weighing in on one of the most important theological questions of our time: is Donald Trump Jesus? The answer, according to Bautista, is decidedly "no."
To many rational-minded people, associating Donald Trump with Christianity is a laughable concept. In the already highly-unlikely event, the president has ever actually read a book, there's no chance in hell that book was The Bible. Trump's life filled with greed, racism, lying, revenge, and pussy-grabbing is far from what anyone would consider pious, but Trump for some reason captured a large portion of evangelical voters in his political career. But when Trump's Press Secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, posted a tweet that seemed to compare Trump to Jesus himself, it took things too far for Dave Bautista.
"'For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.' – John 3:16," McEnany tweeted, making a play on the famous pro wrestling slogan, Austin 3:16. Bautista responded with a tweet of his own, saying: "Please tell me you're not comparing Trump to Jesus!! If not this is the most random shit ever from a self righteous lying ass traitor. #TrumpCult #TraitorsSupportTraitorTrump"
So it looks like Dave Bautista doesn't believe Donald Trump is very Christlike. Another thing that isn't Christlike is keeping your website's reporters imprisoned in a basement and forcing them to write a nonstop stream of clickbait articles about Dave Bautista's tweets. As Jesus once said, "Don't lock your reporters in basements. Amen." Hopefully, Bleeding Cool Editor-in-Chief Kaitlyn Booth is listening. [Editor's Note: I'm not.]