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Rep. James Clyburn Calls Our Tapper, Bash During CNN Interview (VIDEO)

Rep. James Clyburn called out CNN, Dana Bash, and Jake Tapper for the lack of debate fact-checking during a network interview with Bash.

With the weekend coming to an end, you would think that the rumblings over the fallout from last Thursday's "debate" debacle on CNN between raspy, tired President Joe Biden and ex-reality show host, multi-impeached ex-POTUS, and convicted felon Donald Trump. If you watched/suffered through it, then you might've been wondering, like we were, what exactly Jake Tapper and Dana Bash were doing there because it clearly didn't involve real-time fact-checking or any kind of pushback whatsoever. Like a lot of folks in the media, we offered our thoughts on how CNN proved to be the biggest disappointment of the night – but Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.) went one better. During CNN's State of the Union on Sunday, Rep. Clyburn shared directly with Bash his feelings that the moderators not shutting down Trump's lies was a big factor in what went down.

Image: CNN Screencap; FOX TV Screencap; Late Night with Seth Meyers Screencap

"I think it all depends upon what the rules are. I don't like the debate when nobody will do any fact-checking. You just say what you want to say. You know it's a lie. The guy told 30 some odd lies and nobody checked him on it. Instead, that was up to Joe Biden to do," Rep. Clyburn shared when asked about the possibility of another debate, zeroing in on how Trump was allowed to run the debate unchecked by the journalists. "If I asked you a question, and you lied to me with the answer, I would have followed up and give you what the facts are and see what your reaction to that will be. So that, to me, was not the way to plan the debate. And whoever did that and agreed to that really should think about what they're doing." Bash noted that President Biden's team agreed to the terms of the debate, though there have been some rumblings that Trump's camp was against there being real-time fact-checking.

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Ray FlookAbout Ray Flook

Serving as Television Editor since 2018, Ray began five years earlier as a contributing writer/photographer before being brought onto the core BC team in 2017.
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