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Simon Pegg – Too Old To Play Wee Hughie In The Boys?
Simon Pegg recently twittered;
The Boys rocks. Think I'm a little old to play Hughie though. There has been talk of a movie for some time. Would be fun.
When Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson first saw their violent comedy superhero series The Boys published through DC/Wildstorm, there was a little bit of a ruckus at DC when they realised that one of the main characters, reader entry point Wee Hughie, was modelled on Simon Pegg. There was a small amount of legal panic until I was able to pass along the word that not only was Simon Pegg rather flattered but he would love a few free copies…
Of course, then Paul Levitz flipped out at the DC analogue superhero sex stuff when it saw print, realised there was worse to come, denied that anyone at DC's New York had seen let alone approved this aspect of the comic (original JLA editor Pete Tomasi, to whom the book was originally pitched as a JLA title and Dan DiDio who recommended Garth remove the serial numbers and punt it across to Wildstorm as a creator-owned title not counting…) and the book was canned at Wildstorm. DC allowed another publisher to continue the series as long as it wasn't Marvel, and Dynamite picked up the series, where it has continued to be one of the best selling non-Marvel/DC/licenced title on the market.
Of course the book was first published in 2006, and the years are passing… but come on! Star Trek showed that Simon can at least approach a Scottish accent, he's always had the youthful Milky Bar Kid looks, and hell, he might help get the movie made. Samuel Jackson can't be the only one to play his comic book lookalike on the big screen… see remember folks, if you see Simon, tell him. He'd still make a hell of a Wee Hughie.
Almost as if he were drawn for the part.