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Saturday Runaround – Downey Jr Buying Avengers Back Issues!
IronWatch: Thanks so much to JustJared for this one.
StarWatch: Motherboard has discovered whatever happened to The Star Wars Kid – turns out he's now a lawyer and "president of the Patrimoine Trois-Rivières, a conservation society that aims to preserve the cultural heritage of his hometown of Trois-Rivières."
MaryJaneWatch: Gothamist makes Pegg Pot Pejury Aspertions…
This is the third testimony from someone on Team Dunst attempting to refute Jimenez's claims. Last week when pot was found in the stolen Balenciaga bag, Dunst's assistant took the heat, and the starlet herself claimed she does not smoke the stuff.
DownUnderWatch: Welcome to an Australian lesbian guide to comics. Which is also probably quite suitable for non-lesbians too. Funny, how that works.
iPadWatch: Stanza beats ComicsViewer and ComicsZeal according to Wired.