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"It's One Of The Coolest Parts Of Dynamite…" – Tim Seeley And Jim Terry Talk Alice Cooper Vs Chaos!
As Dynamite's latest iconic crossover comes to its penultimate issue, Byron Brewer sat down with Tim Seeley and Jim Terry to talk about Alice Cooper vs. Chaos! #4. Cover by Joyce Chin.
BYRON BREWER: Tim, you spearheaded the relaunch of Chaos! for Dynamite. But where in the world did the concept of putting such wild franchises as Alice Cooper and Chaos! in the same book come from? Wild!
TIM SEELEY: Must have been from Nick [Barrucci, Dynamite publisher], as he loves him some crossovers. It's one of the coolest parts about Dynamite … the willingness to stick characters together and have a good time.
BB: Jim, the art on these books has been very, very imaginative. Tell us about this inventive palette and did you do any character designs for this series?
JIM TERRY: Most of the designs were pretty well established when I got on board, so much of it was adapting them to my particular style. I tend to veer toward a more old school approach, and that bled into my visual interpretation of the characters. I pretty much tried to pick the coolest look out of the existing ones and build from there. As for the visual palette, we pretty much tried to stretch the medium in ways that only comics can get away with. It helps that the universe is so fantastic and the only limits are the ones you bring to the table.
BB: You are both credited as writers for the series, and yet Jim is also the artist. Tell us about this collaboration and how it works.
JT: It's been a little different for each issue, but throughout a very collaborative process. Tim is the idea man, and I'll try to build on those while telling the story. Tim also has a deep understanding of these characters and their motivations, so I work to bring believable emotions into it. If they mesh, the wildest story can be rooted in relatability. Otherwise it was us meeting for tacos and saying, "Wouldn't this be cool? …" and going from there.
TS: Yeah, it's mostly about the tacos, and bullsh*tting each issue out. It's my preferred method of making comics really.
BB: You both have been doing this series long enough to have a favorite character. Who is your favorite in Alice Cooper vs. Chaos!?
JT: The entire book has been a blast to draw, but I've grown fond of Chastity. She's a damaged bad-ass who I believe can be a truly great character.
TS: Probably Alice himself … and EVIL ALICE.
BB: Were you a fan of Alice Cooper as a musician, Jim, and is it harder to team him with these wild Chaos! creations since he is a "real" person?
JT: I love Alice! I have a number of his albums and listened to them while I worked and he is instantly recognizable. As for teaming him up with the Chaos! universe, he fit in like family. I only hope we did him justice!
BB: Tim, do you think Alice may find himself in one of the Chaos! books at some point, and is he a "character" you enjoy writing?
TS: I'm not sure the deal allows for that, but if this does well enough, I'm sure there'll be a sequel!
For more on Alice Cooper Vs Chaos! #4, click here.