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Posted in: Comics | Tagged: 2016, 4 Kids Walk Into A Ban, april, black mask, Comics, entertainment, Matthew Rosenberg, Tyler Ross
Matthew Rosenberg's New Black Mask Comic – 4 Kids Walk Into A Bank – With Tyler Ross, For April
Matthew Rosenberg has a new comic book out in April from Black Mask Comics called 4 Kids Walk Into A Bank, with artist Tyler Boss.
A fun(ish) crime caper about children! Eleven-year-old Paige and her weirdo friends have a problem: a gang of ex-cons need her dad's help on a heist… the problem is those ex-cons are morons. If Paige wants to keep her dad out of trouble, she's going to have to pull off the heist herself. Like Wes Anderson remaking Reservoir Dogs, 4KWIAB is a very dark & moderately humorous story about friendship, growing up, D & D, puking, skinheads, grand larceny, and family.
It's been in the works since at least 2014. Here's a look at how it will look…
Also from Black Mask in April is Amancay Nahuelpan's Clandestino…
(W/A/CA) Amancay Nahuelpan
The big finale! Who will emerge triumphant: the rebels or the military forces? Find out in the brutal final battle for Tairona.
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