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Wait Six Months Until Marvelman (UPDATE)
At FablesCon this weekend, one Little Bleeder found himself chatting with Fables co-creator Mark Buckingham in the Kill Shakespeare bar.
The Angela news had hit, and people were talking about the possible return of Marvelman/Miracleman with Neil Gaiman and Buckingham at Marvel. So our Little Bleeder asked him.
Mark's replied "wait six months". When asked if he would go back to draw again, he replied "Oh yes. I'd have to take some time off from Fables but yes."
Our Little Bleeder had a busy weekend. More to come.
Mark Buckingham gets in touch to clarify…
Just to clarify, before people get a little too excited, I've been saying the same thing to people ever since Marvel caught me by surprise with their big announcement of signing a deal with Mick Anglo's people to bring Marvelman to Marvel. That was at the "Cup'o'Joe" panel at SDCC way back in 2009. They caught me by surprise with that.
To be honest, nothing has really changed since then and no one has spoken to me directly from Marvel in quite a while. They reprinted lots of the lovely old Marvelman books but have remained quiet regarding the Miracleman material.
I've been telling people over a pint 'maybe in six months' or 'I hope to hear something soon' ever since.
I think most people know that, next to working with Bill on Fables, the one other project that means the most to me has always been working with Neil on Miracleman. We never finished our story and I really hope we will have a chance to return to it one day. But it is still just a hope at the moment.
After 20 years of waiting my enthusiasm for the MM book and working with Neil remains undiminished. The truth is, as was the case back in 2009, if Marvel do finally announce his return the little bleeders will probably find out before me."