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SDCC 2014: Spider-Verse Panel
Peter S. Svensson, powered by Gatorade, liveblogs Spider-Verse for Bleeding Cool. Editor Nick Lowe, Amazing Spider-Man writer Dan Slott and Mark Waid attending. Waid not actually writing Spider-Man at all right now being a bit of a clue that something is going to be announced.
Nick Lowe is loud and getting the panel off to a roaring start. Senior Editor of Marvel Comics, it's all about Spider-Man.
Your Best Friend in Spider-Man… MR DAN SLOTT! (Lowe should have a career as a wrestling announcer.)
Humberto Ramos is going to arrive late apparently.
Writer of Hulk, Daredevil and creator of Thrillbent, MARK WAID.
Superior Foes of Spider-Man, Mr. Nick SPENCER.
Colorist of Amazing Spider-Man, Edgar Delgado!
Spider-Verse Gabriele Dell'Otto variant.
Waid asks a favor. Humberto comes in late on purpose, just to get the applause of coming in late. So Waid asked the attendees that when he comes in, do nothing, no applause, no screaming, it would be awesome to teach him a lesson.
Superior Spider-Man #32 has edge of Spider-Verse part one. Christos Gage at the show later, Adam Kubert back-up story. August 6th.
Do we have Superior fans who didn't trust us? *audience cheers* Aren't you glad we did it?
Superior #19, Horizon labs blows up, Superior Spider-Man shows up later, that shows what happened during that time..
Slott: There was a Time-Plosion. almost like we planned this in advance.
Humberto shows up. We are silent. Lowe finally convinces us to applaud for him.
Look at Spider-Bodies at bottom of Superior #33 Cover.
No art from Spider-Verse itself today. Even though they have it.
Slott: You know, that when there was the timeplosion…. (he plugs Spidey-2099) That nature abhors a vacuum, Superior Spider-Man has been in 2099, you'll have to wait and see.
The Skottie Young Variant, baby version of Spider-Ham. How cute!
Spider-Verse, they will all DIE.
Slott: I will kill them all! I tried to kill Humberto!
Lowe: That's kinda true!
Spider-Man 2099 is out, Will Sliney art, Peter David writing, but you knew that already. Spider-Man 2099 came to the present, is stuck here, working for Alchemax, the future corporation that he's trying to defeat in the future. Try to change his great-grandfather Tiberus Stone into a better person.
#5 is an Edge of Spider-Verse tie-in, with Rick Leonardi art. Lot of 2099 men, why are there so many?
Oh. Daredevil is being talked about. So that's why Waid's on the panel. Original Sin tie-in. I am the only one here who bought it.
Waid: The reason why Jack had to bring up Matt alone, why his mom left. Why his mother left and never saw him again until he was an adult, when he goes to confront, he finds her in prison, being extradited to Wakanda, the beginning of the story. Matt fighting a bunch of Wakandan warriors next issue, I can't say anything, some good solid research, and important story.
Lowe showed some preview pages. "Nothing better than a blind-man skydiving."
Waid: Daredevil doing things that would make Green Lantern pass out in fear. Skydiving 30000 feet into the jungle would do that.
Issues 8 and 9 are the "Who are the Purple Children?" arc. Daredevil has been trying to be happy, when dealing with the purple children, churn stuff inside you, Matt does not come out of this as bouncy as he used to be, tough on Matt, you can't punch about, you could pick one up and use one as a
Purple Man is one of the oldest foe, mutated genes, ultimate persuader. You are forced to do. He's been deliberating setting up a dynasty, all brought together for a purposes. Put those kids in a room with him, he's not the most powerful.
Original Sin arc in Amazing Spider-Man. History of Silk is revealed, Slott and Ramos, and colorist Delgado.
Original Sin #4, not only some of Marvel's characters kept secrets and have had secrets kept from them. Why haven't we seen her? We find that Ezekiel, lied to Peter, he's known that Cindy Moon had powers, she's been called the Spider-Bride, the same bunker he tried to get Peter trapped in to protect him from Morlun, something that would draw Morlun towards world of the Spiders. After Original Sin, let out by Peter Parker, leading into Spider-Verse.
How do you draw them different? Otto and Peter?
Ramos: Costume…
Ramos continues to seriously explain that they have different gestures and body language, and that the scripts are different and leading towards different styles. Creepier and Angrier Otto, Peter is smiling and happy face on issue #1 cover.
Edgar Delgado is taking a selfie of himself, because this is his first panel. Actually he was taking a picture of his Comic Con placard. Now, he did the colors different on Superior, more darker and moodier colors, and Amazing is meant to pop more.
Superior Foes of Spider-Man! Nick Spencer, superior foes, leading to a climax. This is basically of some of Spidey's C-and D-list villains, the ones he beats up at the start of the issue when thinking about problems he has. Painting of Dr. Doom's face, head of Silverman, something from Chameleon's safe we don't know what, the gang is back together, not all of them know they are reunited yet. Here in #14, getting to know Overdrive, what motivates him. Steve Lieber and Rich Ellis helping out this issue on art.
Lowe really likes the fantasy sequences, and the use of space. Spencer gives a paragraph summary to Steve Lieber who goes to town on it.
In October, Edge of Spider-Verse. Prelude to Spider-Verse, deals with different Spider-Man. Spider-Man Noir, David Hine and Fabrice Sapolsky, with Richard Isanove coloring. Coming in October. Picks up from the last Spider-Man Noir mini, leads into Spider-Verse. So excited.
Issue #2, is Jason Latour, Robbi Rodriguez. I call out a Spider-Gwen cosplayer for Nick Lowe to notice.
Issue #3 is written and drawn by Dustin Weaver, written some Turtles comics, but this will be his first Marvel written work. Non-Peter Parker Spider-Man in the future, genetics and alternate universes galore.
Issue #4 is terrifying. Different Peter Parker-figure. A true horror story. Clay McLeod Chapman writing, Elia Bonetti artist. It's more like Kafka.
Gerard Way writes #5, with Jake Wyatt on art. Drew some Ms. Marvel, he's just terrific. SP//dr, alternate spider-story, you will like it.
Amazing Spider-Man #7, Ms. Marvel team-up and Edge of Spider-Verse team-up.
Dan: Anyone reading G. Willow Wilson is doing, closest to classic Peter Parker in MU, hanging out with friends, dealing with family and responsibility. Teaming her up with modern Spider-Man. But also, a character in the corner.
Dan: We're using all the Spider-Men over the years, some new ones like the Gwen Spider-Woman, one of the my favorites, the Spider-Man of Otherworld, the Captain Britain Corps, Spider UK! Dan is using Japanese Live Action Supaida-man. Electric Company Spider-Man…
MC2 Spider-Girl returns to #8! It doesn't look like she's going to have a good time.
Dan: None of the Spider-Men you like will have a good time!
Spider-Verse Team-Up! Three issue mini, each has two stories. Christos Gage on main story, with Dave Williams art. They did Beast + Wonder Man story. Classic Spider-Writer,
Also, Spider-Verse #1 anthology. Lots of Spider-Man.
Old Man Logan, Ashley Barton is the daughter.
Scarlet Spiders 3 issue mini! Ben Reilly Spider-Man is in Spider-Verse, with Kaine, with Ultimate Jessica Drew! All Clones! Mike Costa is writing with Paco Diaz art. Mark Bagley variant cover. Slott confirms Ben Reilly.
Movie. Gameloft. Marvel. A new sinister six. dimensional catastrophe. Swing fight and run. Recruit from across the spider-verse. Lots of playable Spider-Men. Captain Universe Spidey! Spider-Man Unlimited video game, kicks off in September.
Like a temple run, only better, fight people, jump around. 23 playable Spider-Men. More when Spider-Verse kicks off.
Head to the Women of Marvel panel for a spider announcement. Sunday at 11:15 AM. Nick promotes how awesome the Women of Marvel are. Some Marvel Studios women on the panel this year.
And now, go ask questions. We are joined by the inker of Amazing Spider-Man.
Humberto: Were you working on an commission?
Liam Connelly: For Dan. I saw the Gwen Stacy, ever becoming an ongoing series?
Lowe: First she has to survive Spider-Verse. You don't know if Peter Parker will survive?
Dan: What if Superior came back? (he teases)
Max Dweck: I'm a new reader, with Amazing Spider-Man #1, Spider-Verse is intimidating.
Dan: It's easy. There's a lot of Spider-Men. We don't expect you to have read Spider-Man india or the Spider-Man manga. Just meet new Spider-Men, and then see them die 10 issues later.
Nick: All you have to read for the story is the main Amazing Spider-Man story, but there are tie-ins. Don't be intimidated. Trust us.
Dan: Until you start crying.
Ben: How far back were you planning this
Dan: Amazing Spider-Man #600, I work Marvel-style, I had this moment, looking at the Jr JR art, to get control of the city, to put his brain waves into Doc Ock's machine, and realized what that implications were. I started building up, we had a lunch about the big Spider-man event of the year, Ends of the Earth, we need it to be this, at one point, the end of the story, Doc Ock is in an iron lung? That's a terrible place to leave him, that's not the end, wait, what?
Everyone convinced Dan to do the Otto brain swap earlier and Spider-Island was made to allow the Otto
Elijah: Movie Spider-Men?
Dan: 8 Spider-Men we can't use, no Andrew, Toby, no Peter Parker Spectacular Spider-Man, no CGI MTV Spider-Man. And like 3 or 4 more. Nick: But we'll have Miles Morales!
Kent: How does Gwen get powers?
Dan: Read the issue.
Will the alternate Spider-Men from the Secret Wars episode of the 90s animated series?
Dan: Hard to do alternates of alternates of alternates. So probably not.
Is Doctor Octopus coming back?
Nick: Dead is dead!
Dan: Empty grave!
Will the Miles Morales previous team-up count?
Dan: Yes.
Will this affect the Miles Morales book?
Live Action CBS Spider-Man?
Dan: Sadly, he's one of the eight.
Kid dressed as spidey asks how does Gwen come back to be Spider-Woman?
Dan explains alternate universe Gwen, and he gets it.
Is Lego Spider-Man one of the eight?
Dan: In a non legally sueable way… I want to have 8-bit Atari Spider-man in there…
Dan how merciless are you being to Spider-Men? 1-10 scale?
Dan: 616!