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"I'm Gay" with Big Mouth Composer Mark Rivers at WonderCon 2018
Jimmy Leszczynski went to WonderCon 2018 for Bleeding Cool.
Today we sit down with, as far as I know, they only man to rhyme vagina and North Carolina in a song, Mark Rivers.
Marc got his start in the composing industry by writing the theme song to Mr Show with Bob and Dave .It was so easy, he moved out to L.A. to write comedy and music.
During our interview, Rivers tells us that he started off writing comedy bits on the Nick Kroll Show, which then led to some musical parodies. Any casual Kroll Show fan, or fan of good music, knows LA Deli and Ottowanna Go to Bed.
"I'm never happier than when I'm doing music." River tells us.
These days Rivers is responsible for all the hilarious songs featured on the very honest and dirty coming of age story, Big Mouth currently running on Netflix. While it does not feature much in the way of musical score, it does feature hilarious parody songs, like I'm Gay.
We did not discuss the song at our interview, but later during the Music in Animation panel Mark told us,
"Actually, they say that song is not appropriate for children, but my 8-year-old girl has been singing that song around the house for the past year and a half."
In the show, Andrew Glouberman (John Mulaney) is questioning his own sexuality and is confronted by the ghost of Queen frontman Freddy Mercury.
"The told me what they wanted in the moment the title of the song to be, and so I just ran with it."
During our interview Mark tells about the process of figuring out the songs with Big Mouth showrunners Andy Goldberg, Mark Levin, Jen Flackett, and Nick Kroll on the phone, he reveals his favorite instrument, and his dream gig (hello Disney & Pixar, are you listening?).
The interview was conducted with my 2 young sons, so we didn't discuss the show itself too much. In fact Rivers left my boy with a warning in, his autograph.
Big Mouth is currently Showing on Netflix