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Cerberus In Hell #1 Is Not Cerebus In Hell #1, Official
We pointed out last week that the new Diamond Previews had, understandable, misspelt the upcoming Cerberus In Hell # as Cerebus In Hell #1.
Easily done, Cerebus was originally a misspelling of Cerberus in the first place but now plenty of people do it the other way round as the popularity of the Aardvark barbarian has, in comics at least, outstripped that of the three-headed hound of Hades.
So when Dave Sim issued his latest Cerebus In Hell one-shot as Cerberus In Hell, it was a typo waiting to happen.
Diamond has now informed retailers that ' Aardvark-Vanaheim's Cerberus #1 ( SEP181350E, $4) was erroneously
listed on Diamond's Retailer Services Website as Cerebus #1. While the listing has been corrected, please bear the correct title in mind when ordering.
In response, Dave Sim has issued the following,
This NOVEMBERAardvark-Vanaheim fin
ally corrects a typo 41 years later with CERBERUS IN HELL #1, outNOVEMBER 28, and available to order NOWfrom Diamond through your Local Comic Shop!Remember, that's CERBERUS IN HELL#1! Not CEREBUS IN HELL #1, CEREBUS #1 (but congratulations if you manage to get a copy),CEREBUS BI-WEEKLY #1, CEREBUS ARCHIVE #1 (still available to order!), COUNTERFEIT CEREBUS #1, GREEN LANTERN #1, UNCANNY X-MEN #1, FIREFLY #1, or any other #1 comic you might confuse with CERBERUS IN HELL#1 and order by mistake when you really want CERBERUS IN HELL#1!
That should do. Here is the corrected solicitation.
(W) Sean Michael Robinson, Dave Sim, Sandeep Atwal (A) Sean Michael Robinson, Gustave Dore, Dave Sim (CA) Benjamin Hobbs
Three-headed Cerberus stars in his own title! Two of those three heads are criminally-actionable parodies. Guess who? Featuring Batvark as the Bassoon Fairy. Is Cerberus identifying as "bat-winged-demon curious"? Hell's Illegal Organ Market; Hell's Civic Improvement Health Committee; Hell's Green Economy Civic Improvement Committee; Is Cerebus short? Or Vertice-Specitic-Personal-Elevation Oriented? Or Height-Appropriate-Capacitation Statused? Cerebus has trouble digesting the Book of Jeremiah; Cerebus and the Whore of Babylon debate Kanye West; Cerebus seeks out company; Botoxing newborns: Is Big Pharma behind it? Or Mattel? Cerebus and an Arch-Demon Team-Up; Cerebus the Stand-up comedian; Why you don't want to tell the old "So, this pig asks a djinn to turn him into a human being … " joke; Cerebus' computer is hacked; Friedrich Nietszche vs. Batvark (yes, again!); the Redeeming Power of the Cheers theme song; Also! Hillary Clinton isn't conceding just yet! In Shops: Nov 28, 2018 SRP: $4.00
And a timetable of all the Cerebus In Hell oneshots…