Rich Johnston Archives

Preview: Last Episode Of Misfits
Tommorrow, the final episode of the extraordinarily good superhero TV show Misfits airs at 10pm on E4. Seriously, the time travel episode is still the
Do Anything 024 by Warren Ellis
024 Down into the streets, the creases of Jack "King" Kirby's face, trapped by what could easily be the canyons of New York city avenues, the grey
Tuesday Morning – Chewing On Misney
MisneyWatch: Okay, not sure what Marvel or Disney will make of the $15.99 copyright/trademark-busting print but still, ain't that pretty? Pretty satire.
Lying In The Gutters – 14th December
This was the week that; Dynamite paid off Dabel debt. Scott Kurtz and Neal Adams teaming up for PVP with video. Valerie D'Orazio writes Punisher MAX. Oh
Short 'n Curlies #22 by Si Spurrier
BrainFart: Crazy urban troubleshooting this week... Problem: How do you stop crowds of listless hoodie-wearing juvenile scallywanks from hanging about in
21 Superpowers Covers 21
Well, it's possible the people who posed for these posters could have been nude. No evidence they weren't. And that's good enough for me. Twenty-one
Alex De Campi and Neil Gaiman?
Oh please make this happen. Bleeding Cool writer Alex DeCampi (and animation director) suggested on Twitter that this manner of animation would suit a
The Future Work Of Bryan Hitch…
Bryan Hitch has been asking Millarworld what they think he should do next. And has been giving a few hints in the process. On a Joss Whedon/Bryan Hitch
As Borders Closes, What Killed It?
All the Borders bookstores in Britain are shutting their doors and covering their windows in signs for their closing down sale (with prices still more
Capes On The Tube
Underground Heroes is an art project arranged for London Underground's Art On the Underground continuing project. in this case, artist David Blandy and a
Days Of Comics Past
So this is the way things are then are they? DC post something on the Source blog, all the other blogs repeat it, link to it and be a bit sarcastic about