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24 Thoughts About 23 Of Todays Comics – With No Unsolicited Opinions On Israel

GrumpyPokey01 1

Grumpy Cat really knows how to start off a Wednesday…. quick! Someone fix this wave of depression flooding over me.

Devolution02 3

Devolution #2 has a good attempt, but can we go further than that? Find me some meta commentary to turn my mood around!

TZone1959 35

Twilight Zone: 1959 is definitely in the right ball park. But who could push it even further?

sex criminals

Looks like "Unsolicited Opinions On Israel" is catching, as Sex Criminals gets far more meta than ever. Yes even more than Fat Bottomed Girls. And yo will be given images of Matt and Chip that you will never be able to get rid of, not even if you scraped at your brain with steel wool. Be warned.

IMG_0042 Also, people who didn't like that Angela sequence probably won't like this from Mighty Thor either. Good.


But that laughter, echoed in Bitch Planet feels rather familiar….

RSVol3-02 1  And Red Sonja #2 will probably be burnt…


While Mister Biscuits in Martian Manhunter also joins in with the destruction of the illusion of narrative that I just adore with this reference.


While Spider-Woman does similar with this most excellent sound effect, as she takes part in her most challenging fight to date…


While Harley Quinn, after exorcising her own personal demon gets her just reward. And Poison Ivy, despite her outward appearance, is building up material for her next therapy session.

And in Poison Ivy, Gotham gets its own reality talent TV show. You know, I think The Penguin would make a great Simon Cowell, they seem to pull teir pants up as high as each other.

IMG_0026I had totally forgotten she was still around. Batcow pops up in Robin: Son Of Batman, yet to have been turned into Batsteaks.


Actually, Spider-Man, that's probably par for the course, isn't it?IMG_0030

What happens when a god prays? The snake eats its own tail? Or is this the deity version of Twitter? From today's Wonder Woman


Luke Cage has his priorities straight in Power Man & Iron Fist. And, yes, he gets to say Sweet Christmas…


Oh and another look at Harley Quinn, sorry this passed me by the first time… she is posing as Dr Shipman? As in Britain's greatest serial killer? Hmmm…

SY003_xthoughtsSymmetry #3 brings us the reality of dig fighting when humans get involved.

Screen Shot 2016-02-16 at 1.07.06 PMAnd Blood Feud #5 shows us what happens next.
Screen Shot 2016-02-16 at 1.02.37 PM  12 Reasons Why I Love Her 10th Anniversary Edition shows how dating is all about who wins. And she wins.


Auteur Vol 2 teaches us that when you bash someone to death in the eye socket, it opens a window…


Originally, Huck was planned to have been drawn by Skottie Young rather than Rafael Albuquerque. You can seen this scene by Skottie, can't you?



Mind you, I can see this scene from I Hate Fairyland from Rafael Albuquerque….TI008_Xthoughts The Tithe suggests an X-Men crossover….
starveCB Cebulski is in London. He is going to London's Borough Market. I picture this scene from Starve a hundred times over. It really is the Transmetropolitan of food, this issue more than ever.

Comics courtesy of Orbital Comics, London. Who are hosting a signing of The Death Of Superman Lives, with Jon Schnepp and Holly Payne tonight, 5pm-7pm.


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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from Blacks on Dean Street, shops at Piranha Comics. Father of two. Political cartoonist.
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