Posted in: Comics | Tagged: 50th anniversary, Comics, entertainment, marvel, Marvel Studios, mockingbird, shield
A Case Study Into How Much Marvel Studios Is Interfering With The Comics – Mockingbird: SHIELD 50th Anniversary
Thriller writer Chelsea Cain sees her first comic book story published in September, in Mockingbird: S.H.I.E.L.D. 50th Anniversary, drawn by Joëlle Jones and is sure to please fans of both incarnations of the title character.
And because she's new to comics, she hasn't realised that there are things you say about working in comics for Marvel, and things you don't.
Because, while Bleeding Cool has been hearing stories from creators working on books associated with Marvel Studios, that they are getting considerable amount of notes from unknown people regarding the use of characters ahead of TV shows and movies, no one will say as much in public.
Because the fiction is that the comic book side operated completely independently from the TV and movies. Sometimes they choose to mirror what's in the TV and movies for commercial reasons and to match audience expectation and provide a smoother journey from TV and movie to comic, but they inside that the tail does not wag the dog. That is the company line.
Thank goodness Chelsea doesn't know that yet. Talking to CBR last week, she said, in response to a question about the appearance (or not) of the character's exhusband Hawkeye in the comic, she said.
I am a big fan of the Clint-Bobbi relationship. They have great chemistry. You know who else I love? Lance Hunter. He's Bobbi's ex-husband on the TV show, because I guess Clint was busy. Hunter is a smart-ass romantic who works for a shadowy government organization. Sound familiar? I know! Bobbi sure has a type.
Anyway "the studio" wanted Hunter in the anniversary issue, so as not to confuse things (more). They never call "the studio" by name — it's just always "the studio." I kind of thought it was funny — the fact that Bobbi has these two almost interchangeable ex-husbands, both of whom are in no way over her, so I tried to have fun with that in the one-off. It's murder-y, yes, but not without laughs.
It is funny. And reflects what other creators say when they aren't speaking to a major comic book website.
No wonder certain creators want to work on the X-Men books, where they wont get as much interference as they will working on… other titles. Because "the studio" doesn't give too hoots…