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Before San Diego: Jay Justice, Cosplayer

Nubia, Wonder Woman of Earth 23Cosplay correspondent for Bleeding Cool, Endymion Megeto, spoke to Jay Justice, of New York City.

How long have you been going to SDCC? What was your first time at SDCC like?

This year will be my second time at San Diego Comic Con. My first time at SDCC was a lot of fun. It's a big convention but before then I'd been to several large cons like New York Comic Con and Dragon*Con, so I was used to crowds. Massive amounts of people  all trying to do the same things and go to the same places doesn't intimidate me. That basically describes New York City. I was well aware of the necessity of getting up early, being in the right place at the right time and seizing the opportunity when it came. I got loads of autographs, photos with my favorite comic book creators & celebs, and front row seats for every panel I wanted.


If you could change one thing about SDCC what would it be?

I wouldn't change a thing about SDCC. I have had no difficulties with this convention at all. Miraculous, I know. Oh wait, I'd make it easier for people to get whichever oversize souvenir bag they  wanted. A lot of people complained about that.

What makes SDCC different from other conventions?

What sets SDCC apart from other cons is the presence of every major company in the entertainment industry as well as in comics, toys, gaming, just EVERYTHING you could possibly want if you're into it. I can't imagine being bored there. I've been to cons where if I didn't have friends with me I'd have just gone home. Never a dull moment at SDCC.

Misty Knight

What is your best memory from SDCC?

Oh…my best memory from SDCC would have to be meeting Gail Simone for the first time. I am such a big fan of hers and she said that my Wonder Woman costume was awesome. It was a very good day.
What costume are you working on for SDCC this year?

I am working on a lot of costumes for SDCC. A new version of Wonder Woman, Spectrum from Mighty Avengers, Misty Knight from Fearless Defenders, and a few other ones. No guarantees that I will finish them all in time though. Less than 2 weeks remaining!! Good thing I have 20 other costumes that are already finished. But I always want to bring something new to a big con.

Geordi Laforge1
How long have you been cosplaying?

I first started cosplaying in October of 2010. So it will be 3 years soon.
Why do you do cosplay or what inspires you to make costumes?

I cosplay because I love comic books, science fiction and fantasy. I can't draw and I'm not ready to share my writing, but I can show how much I love my fandoms by cosplaying. Interesting characters and thought provoking storytelling inspire me to cosplay. Diversity and representation are big factors as well. Awesome costumes help too.


How far in advance did you start planning/working on your costume?

I planned most of my costumes during the winter 'off season' for conventions. I had a list with about 9 costumes on it. Then Avengers came out with Captain Universe and I said 'welp' and the list grew to 10. Then inspiration came from other places and it ballooned to 18. That's for the whole year and several other conventions, not only San Diego Comic Con.

What Advice would you have for anyone cosplaying for the first time at SDCC?

The advice I would give to anyone cosplaying at SDCC for the first time is to keep it small. No 10 foot wingspans, you're not going to be able to move. If you have a disability, utilize the disabled services that are at the con. I have a disability and I'm very glad that I utilized their services last year.  Accept the fact that you may be stopped a few times for photos, but also remember that you have the right to say no and walk away if you are in a hurry and need to get somewhere, or if you're not feeling well, or if you just don't want to be photographed at that moment. You don't owe anyone a photo and you are just like the person who is asking for a picture. You came to the con to have fun. Not necessarily be free entertainment for the masses.

Captain Marvel

What do you wish other people knew about cosplayers and/or cosplay

I wish that other people who don't cosplay knew about how hard many of us work on our costumes, how much we love our fandoms. And that most of us are really just enjoying ourselves and being creative, not looking for approval from others. Stop acting like 'gatekeepers' of cosplay, and interrogating cosplayers on every minute detail of whatever fandom it is. You don't need a certification to put on a costume and enjoy the con.

Do you have a website of fan page where people can see more of your work?

I have a page on facebook where you can see  all of my costumes, a tumblr where I post photos and also keep a blog,  and I'm on twitter.

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from Blacks on Dean Street, shops at Piranha Comics. Father of two. Political cartoonist.
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