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Joe Stapleton's Poker Comic Trapped, Free At MCM London Comic Con

Are you at MCM London Comic Con? Do you want a free comic by and about Joe Stapleton, poker commentator and professional player?

Are you at MCM London Comic Con? Do you want a free comic by and about Joe Stapleton, poker commentator and professional player? Then head to Neil Gibson's Twisted Comics, currently exhibiting at MCM at booths 2R2 and 2R2 along from the N5 entrance, and pick up a free copy of their sizeable preview for the graphic novel, Trapped!

Joe Stapleton's Poker Comic Trapped, Free At MCM London Comic Con

Neil Gibson, owner and head writer at Neil Gibson's Twisted Comics (formerly known as TPub Comics) is well known for his patter at comic cons, pitching comics to potential purchasers and turning a sale on the drop of a dime… or several dimes. He publishes twist-in-the-tale crime, horror and sci-fi tales, mostly, is always doing deals but never showing his hand. So naturally, he is co-writing a comic book series with Joe Stapleton about the life of a professional poker player.

Joe Stapleton's Poker Comic Trapped, Free At MCM London Comic Con

Currently a poker commentator, Joe Stapleton works for PokerStars, living between London, New York and Los Angeles. A stand-up comedian, he was also a poker consultant on Paul Schrader's movie, The Card Counter. And he is now turning that life into comic, Trapped, which has an ashcan preview available free from the TPub Comics stand at the show, adjacent to Artists Alley.

Joe Stapleton's Poker Comic Trapped, Free At MCM London Comic Con

Drawn by CVS, Agnese Pozza and Saida Temofonte, Trapped is about a successful poker commentator who longs to be famous, rather than just poker famous, and based on events from Stapleton's life. Like Stapleton, the main character is a successful poker commentator, but his desire for fame gets him into some very dodgy situations with characters to boot.

Joe Stapleton's Poker Comic Trapped, Free At MCM London Comic Con

The MCM London Comic Con (formerly known as the London MCM Expo)runs twice yearly at the ExCel Centre, usually on the last weekend in May and October. Founded in early 2001 by Paul Miley (ScifiShows) and Bryan Cooney (Wolf Events), in 2017,  ReedPop acquired MCM and all of its events throughout the UK to add to its portfolio, including NYCC, ECCC, C2E2 and many more.

Joe Stapleton's Poker Comic Trapped, Free At MCM London Comic Con




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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from The Union Club on Greek Street, shops at Gosh, Piranha and FP. Father of two daughters. Political cartoonist.
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