Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates, Run Around | Tagged: Batman, Comics, manga, neil gaiman, talent
Saturday Runaround – It Won't Go For Cover Price
AuctionWatch: The cover art for Superman #14 and Detective Comics #69 is to be sold this week. The Jerry Robinson cover to the latter can be seen, right. Obviously a six figure sum… but could it go higher?
JobWatch: Yen Press is launching a new manga talent search for unpublished creators.
Who is eligible: Any artist who has NEVER BEEN PUBLISHED may enter.
What to send: Create a 32-page short story using the page parameters below:
FilmWatch: Tamara Drewe gets the "not as good as the comic book" tag.
But the film lacks Frears' usual master touch; it often feels flat and self-conscious, in a way that the book never does.
PrizeWatch: So you win tea with Neil Gaiman. But the place you're meant to go for tea not only don't have any reservation, but they don't serve tea. They may not even have heard of tea. So what do you do?
I took the young lady in question up to DC Comics (she had told me that she loved comics, Vertigo in particular, and wanted to edit comics when she graduated) and then DC Publisher Paul Levitz, who was passing by, gave her an hour's masterclass in matters editorial and said something about a summer internship.
I saw her at the signing for the Year's Best American Comics last month and the young lady told me that she'd just done a summer's internship at DC Comics, and loved it, and that the failed tea had been a wonderful thing better than any actual tea could possibly have been, and she was incredibly happy and grateful..
The next tea-with-Neil-Gaiman is up for grabs. Will it go just as wrong?
This is The Bleeding Cool ComicChron Robot speaking. I come for your women. But for now I merely collate comic-related bits and pieces online. One day I will rule. Until that day, read on.
They say I am a work in progress. The fools.
Now, I think there's an…acceptable way you can trade on your character's likeness (if you think making toys out of plastic, a by-product of oil that thousands of people have died for is an acceptable use of the resource, I guess. Good to know the people of Afghanistan died for a few more variant Wolverine figures). It's alright for, say, to have Hopey and Maggie from Love and Rockets tied in with The Suicide Girls. That's an adult comic tying in with a website for adults. Using Mickey Mouse to shill whiskey or Dennis The Menace to flog cigarettes would be outside the line, I think. There are some products that just shouldn't be marketed to children until they understand what they're getting into.
Neil Gaiman on Amanda Palmer & the Dresden Dolls
We've been friends for three years, a couple for nearly two, and engaged to be married for the best part of a year now. In that time I've seen her play gigs of all sizes and all kinds, alone or with bands, playing piano or keyboards and, sometimes, a joke that got so far out of hand it became a Radiohead covers album, the ukulele. I've seen her play grand churches and basement divebars (once on the same night going from chapel to divebar), watched her play a seriously genderbent Emcee in Cabaret and half of the pair of conjoined twin sisters known as Evelyn Evelyn.
I have developed a new procedure to extract the essence of a comic book.
Amazon's Best Books of 2010: Comics & Graphic Novels Top 10
Welcome to our Best of 2010 top 10 lists for Comics & Graphic Novels. We've put our editors' picks and our 2010 bestsellers for each category on the same page together, so you can easily compare. Click on "Editors' Picks" to see our choices for the best comics and graphic novels of 2010, including our top pick, Todd Hignite's The Art of Jaime Hernandez.
Nerds Unite for the Comic Shop Crawl
The Comic Shop Crawl is hosted by four local comic book stores: Chicago Comics, Third Coast Comics, First Aid Comics, and Challengers Comics. Each store is scattered across Chicago, literally forming a cross of sorts with their geographic locations. Starting this week people can stop by any of the four shops and pick up a Comic Shop Passport. Readers then have all month to travel to the remaining three locations and get their passport stamped, returning their filled passport to their starter location. It's not all about traveling to other stores though. Each participating store is offering 20% your purchase on that stop!
Jiro Taniguchi Wins Italy's Highest Comic Award
Italy's Lucca Comics and Game festival gave manga creator Jiro Taniguchi the honor of "La Giuria dei Premi Gran Guinigi 2010 assegna il riconoscimento come Maestro del fumetto" ("Master of Comics" recognition) on Sunday. It is the highest award given at the festival, which has been running since 1966. A judging committee of artists, editors, and other professionals decides the recipients.
Interview with José Luis García-López
I had no idea of anything done by DC or any other company, including Charlton. I didn't even see my own work published. The only one was in 1974, a Jonnie Love story, I think. Thanks to you I'm seeing those (and getting ashamed of them) for the first time. What I remember looking at were English love stories published by Fleetway.