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Carol Danvers' Co-Creator, Roy Thomas, Watches the Captain Marvel Movie
Roy Thomas redefined the Captain Marvel character for Marvel Comics, created the Carol Danvers characer as supporting cast and wrote the Kree-powered accident that would later see her transformed first into Ms Marvel and then later into Captain Marvel as well as instigating the Kree/Skrull War for the Avengers. No wonder he gets thanked in the credits for the new Captain Marvel movie. A film he has just seen. He lets us know his thoughts, courtesy of manager John Cimino…
Just got back from watching Captain Marvel at a 10:30 A.M. showing–just my friends Jim and Karen Clark and a handful of other intrepid souls had ventured forth that early in the morning to see the film in 3D. I was giving 3D another go, despite the fact that, with my considerably impaired vision in my right eye, my 3D vision isn't what it once was. But it was good enough.
And so was the film. The reviews are, I think, basically right: It's not one of the better Marvel movies, not as good an origin as the recent Black Panther (or, dare I say it, the Warner/DC Wonder Woman movie), but it's entertaining, especially as a setup of things to come–and very soon, at that–in Avengers: Endgame. Brie Larson was fine, although she wasn't given all that much emotional stuff to do… seeing her and a younger Samuel Jackson interacting was a worthwhile experiment… and there were lots of nice touches along the way. Along with the usual fantastic CGI action sequences. Actually, the one thing I really hated in the film was turning the Skrulls into a peace-loving race, with the Kree as the heavies. As far as I'm concerned as the principal conceptualizer of the Kree/Skrull War (and I suspect Stan Lee and Jack Kirby would've agreed with me), the Skrulls and the Kree are each as bad as each other, as they say. Having the Skrulls all mushy and family-friendly at the end left a bad taste in my mouth… but I loved 'em for most of the movie, when they were doing shape-shifting stuff that looked (and as far as I'm concerned, were) downright evil.
Still, Yon-Rogg turned out to be appropriately vile, and that's all well and good. I'm sorry the movie folks didn't use my improved Kree/Skrull War term for the Kree's Supreme Intelligence–i.e., Intelligence Supreme–but that's simply because "Supreme Intelligence" has always just sound to me like an IQ score, not the name of an intergalactic AI entity.
All in all, Captain Marvel charged me up for Avengers: Endgame–even if they're gonna put the Hulk in a space suit, and the Black Widow still has that ridiculous suddenly-blonde hair.