dark room Archives

Two weeks ago, Bleeding Cool broke the news about The Dark Room, an original graphic novel by X-Men writer Gerry Duggan, Buffy and Angel artist Scott Buoncristiano, and colorist to the stars Tamra Bonvillain, from Image Comics. To be published on the 24th of June 2022, it is described thus; The hunt for a camera containing an undeveloped photo of the face of true evil threatens to wipe[...]
Gerry Duggan & Scott Buoncristiano's The Dark Room From Image Comics
The Dark Room is an original graphic novel by X-Men writer Gerry Duggan, Buffy and Angel artist Scott Buoncristiano, and colorist to the stars Tamra Bonvillain, from Image Comics To be published on the 24th of June 2022, it is described thus; The hunt for a camera containing an undeveloped photo of the face of true[...]