Doctor Alchemy Archives

Speedsters As Far As The Eye Can See – The Flash Mid-Season Finale
Figuring out who Doctor Alchemy is Getting a glimpse of the future All in time for the mid-season break. We start with Barry popping over to Earth-3 to have a chat with Jay Garrick about Savitar Jay comes back with Barry and tells him about the legends How Savitar only appears to speedsters that he feesl[...]
Caitlin Becomes Killer And Alchemy Is Revealed
A bulk of the episode is about Caitlin giving in to her powers, trying to find Doctor Alchemy to get him to take her powers away She ends up attacking a suspect in police custody, kidnapping Julian Albert and jabbing an icicle into Barry's leg It's finally Vibe that takes her down using his powers[...]
How Many Villains Can You Fit Into An Episode Of The Flash
They know from Magenta that Doctor Alchemy contacts those he is going to restore power to through their dreams So everyone is on high-alert and worried about Wally Except Caitlin who, also worried about Wally, is preoccupied by her own abilities… and a new meta human appears. Shade, who is one of the coolest DC villains[...]
What Is Motivating Doctor Alchemy?
Executive producer Todd Helbing takes us inside tonight's episode of the Flash as Doctor Alchemy turns his attention on Wally West Alchemy knows who had powers in the Flashpoint reality that doesn't have them now and is able to bring the powers out of them But how? And why? So far he's brought out the[...]
Flashpoint Fallout Continues In New Clip
In the scene Wally is upset that Barry didn't tell him before, but they all decided they didn't want to know what their other lives were… Iris West makes a reference to Doctor Alchemy, meaning that the new villain is probably turning up in Wally's dreams now So how long before Wally gets his speed? The[...]
Savitar Is Coming Sooner Than Expected
We've already met Doctor Alchemy and we'll soon be meeting Savitar, the God of Speed That is a title that would look awesome on a business card With two main villains, it would seem likely that we'd get the second at the mid-season finale… turns out no Executive Producer Greg Berlanti told People will have[...]
A New Harry, A New Speedster And A New Villain
The villain of the week trope continued with the introduction of Magenta, a young girl from the foster system who has her magnetic powers awakened by Doctor Alchemy, but they seem to only be connected to one part of her split personality That sounds fun. Meanwhile Harrison Wells and his daughter Jessie Wells return from Earth-2[...]
Flash Season 3 Will Be Lighter In Tone
With the duel threat of Savitar and Doctor Alchemy on tap along with Flashpoint… the fear is that the show will get even darker. Executive producer Aaron Helbing told TVline that's not the case: Zoom, in general, was dark It even got darker than we probably anticipated So we're making a conscious effort to go back more[...]