eisner award winners Archives

The Full 2020 Eisner Award Winners Revealed at SDCC
1: The Great Journey, by Ingrid Chabbert and Léa Mazé, translated by Jenny Aufiery (Europe Comics) Mare Internum, by Der-shing Helmer (comiXology; gumroad.com/l/MIPDF) Tales from Behind the Window, by Edanur Kuntman, translated by Cem Ulgen (Europe Comics) Best Webcomic WINNER: Fried Rice Comic, by Erica Eng, https://friedricecomic.tumblr.com NOMINEES: Cabramatta, by Matt Huynh, http://believermag.com/cabramatta/ Chuckwagon at the End of the World, by Erik Lundy, https://hollowlegcomics.tumblr.com/chuckwagon  The Eyes, by[...]