espn3 Archives

Can You Spell It in a Sentence? Join Bleeding Cool's 2018 Scripps National Spelling Bee Live-Blog!
ET, ESPN's Jen Lada and Mike Golic Jr. will handle interactive live coverage on ESPN3; where the hosts will play along with viewers in choosing the correct spelling. ● Here's a look at who will be handling ESPN's coverage Thursday night: Credit: ESPN Matt Barrie: An award-winning sports reporter and versatile sports news anchor, Barrie hosts his first Scripps National Spelling Bee[...]
Bleeding Cool's Media Guide to the 2018 Scripps National Spelling Bee
With network host/reporter Matt Barrie and 1990 Scripps National Spelling Bee finalist Paul Loeffler hosting, ESPN, ESPN2, ESPNU and the ESPN App will combine for more than 24 hours of live coverage. Credit: ESPN ● Preliminary Rounds: ESPN3 will carry all rounds, streaming live on the ESPN App beginning on Tuesday, May 29, at 9:15 a.m[...]