Red Border: Behind the Scenes is a supplementary digital-only extra for Red Border.
"The Humble Comics Bundle: Hot Off the Presses by Upshot/AWA Studios"
Customers who pay $8 or more will also get:
Archangel 8 #2-3
Hotell #2
Red Border #2
The Resistance #2-3
The Resistance: Reborns #2-3
Year Zero #2-3
Hotell: Behind the Scenes
The Resistance: Behind the Scenes
This tier includes the next issues[...]
et-er Archives
ET-ER is a Science Fiction comedy series about a hospital with a secret Emergency department that treats aliens in medical distress The first issue is written by Jeff McComsey, drawn by the prolific Javier Pulido, and lettered by Dezi Sienty Andrew Robinson created the cover.
The Cover Art for AWA Studio's ET-ER #1.
AWA Studios: This Is[...]