In the series Detective Gordon (Ben McKenzie) and his corrupt partner Harvey Bullock (Donal Logue) have to navigate the crime riddled streets of the city and the corrupt corners of the city's government One of them is trying to make a difference while the other is just trying to survive.
The season premier of Gotham is[...]
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The series premier of Gotham is only days away now and Gothamsite has gotten the synopsis for the third episode. Seems Batman was not the first vigilante
The series follows Detective James Gordon (Ben McKenzie) and his partner Harvey Bullock (Donal Logue) as they deal with the corruption and crime of the city and we see the begins of criminal legends like the Penguin (Robin Lord Taylor), Riddler (Cory Michael Smith) and Catwoman (Camren Bicondova).
Gotham premiers September 22nd.
Gordon is teamed with Detective Harvey Bullock played by Donal Logue Which brings up the basic theme of the series, how do you clean up a corrupt city when everyone is against you and even your own partner is on the take.
In this latest trailer for Fox's new drama Gotham, the focus turns to[...]