[rwp-review-recap id="0"]
Hidden Dragon Legend is a side-scrolling platformer that is half action-based and half hack-n-slash The game takes place during Imperial China where you take on the role of a warrior who has been put under a dark spell to assassinate and other horrible biddings during a period where several rival clans are all fighting[...]
Hidden Dragon Legend Archives
Spend wisely, and as always, have fun!
September 19
36 Fragments of Midnight (Vita)
Atomega (PC)
Blackguards 2 (PS4, XB1)
Burly Men at Sea (PS4, Vita)
End Space [VR] (PS4)
Factotum 90 (PS4, Vita)
Hidden Dragon Legend (PS4)
Ink (PS4)
Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite (PC, PS4, XB1)
Mary Skelter: Nightmares (Vita)
Mecho Tales (Vita)
Minecraft: Story Mode – Season Two, Episode 3 (PC, PS4, XB1)
Morphite (PC, PS4)
NBA 2K18[...]
The controls were very easy to figure out as one had pointed the wand, while the other adjusted the camera and made her jump.
Next up was a fun little hack-n-slash title called Hidden Dragon Legend This one was alright, but not particularly a favorite of mine as you battle many ninjas on rooftops The control[...]