"I just picture a drone coming in over the hills and crashing through the glass and flying over here and putting duct tape over my mouth, you know?"
Now that seems pretty odd since Warner Bros announced July 23, 2017 as the release date for the film and along with MacLaren, they've brought Jason Fuchs (Pan)[...]
jason fuchs Archives
Now a new report says they are going to bring on Jason Fuchs to write the screenplay Fuchs wrote another upcoming Warner Bros' film, Pan Fuchs and MacLaren will work together on the drafts.
Wonder Woman is set to be in theaters June 23, 2017
[Source: THR]
Warner Bros' upcoming Wonder Woman film recently got its director[...]
Patrick Dane writes for Bleeding Cool
Jason Fuchs has gotten the gig for Disney's new Sci-Fi adventure The Magic Catalogue The project is interestingly being produced by Robert Zemeckis's ImageMovers.
ImageMovers Digital were the company that created motion capture movies like A Christmas Carol, Midnight Express and Mars Needs Moms That portion of the company has since[...]